Employee Spotlight: Chris_S



Employee Spotlight is a new recurring monthly feature on the Community where we put a face to the hard-working and dedicated employees that make Constant Contact what it is!


All right, this might feel like cheating because Chris is the fearless leader of the Constant Contact Community team, but already in his short time managing the community he has made a tremendous impact and was nominated for an employee spotlight, so here we are!


What do you do at Constant Contact?

I manage the Constant Contact Community and the team responsible for increasing engagement.


"When I'm not working, you can find me..."

Playing with my dogs.


What's something non-work-related that you're proud of accomplishing in the last year or so?

Adopting a dog.


What's your favorite small business?

Ruff House Rescue


What's your go-to GIF or meme?



If you could have one superpower, what would it be?



Who most inspires you?



What's the best thing about being part of Team Constant Contact?

How welcoming and friendly everyone has been since I joined.


What is your favorite Constant Contact product or feature?

Apps and Integrations in general. The more we can offer users the easier we can make their lives.


What is your favorite piece of advice to share with customers?

Instead of one tip, how about a new tip every Tuesday that we offer users in the community!


Do you have a favorite moment you can think of working with a customer?

Answering users question on the community is pretty satisfying by itself.


Woohoo!! We love Chris!!


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