Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Ability to edit HTML in email campaign

Arghh not dig'n it. How can I view a new account in the old editor? The new editor is like the new social social sharing tool... a wicked drag.

Need to have the ability to edit underlying HTML code!
I use it to troubleshoot some of the formatting when its not behaving the way I want it to.
CC has been my fave b/c I can do everything in one spot--resize photos I've uploaded, add a custom link, have many tools (where is underline?). The editing system I have used in my other accounts is awesome--I'd pay to use only that one in all my accounts. This one feels like I'm on mail chimp or something not as user-friendly or sophisticated as CC. Let me know how I can get that system back for my accounts!
comment should have been in this category but don't mind posting twice!
i like the ease of using the new templates and how you can view mobile and desktop. i wish i had more control over it and was able to access the html code. for instance i'd like to change the background image for future uses in the year and not have snowflakes. i will have to go back and use my older templates so i can have more flexibility. thank you.
Seems in trying to make it more user friendly, you have made it less so, or taken away basic features - please put them back.
I want to be able to modify the html code by hand. I used to be able to do that, in your old system. Bring that back, please!
Where is my hand code feature? Dood you guys Don't even have an UNDERLINE Option and NO HTML. How am I supposed to customize my email campaigns. ALSO VERY VERY LIMITED templates. Why was Constant Contact better a year ago than it is now?????
1) When including HTML for an email link ("mailto:john@email.com?subject. . .") please allow more lines within the reply email. I discovered it only allows 15 lines within the reply email body text. An unlimited amount would be awesome! 2) Having to constantly save after making 2 or 3 changes to my campaigns is a bit tedious. Especially when I'm in the middle of editing a text box and a window pops up that reads, "Oops! We couldn't save your changes." I'm not sure how to fix this issue, but this is what I've encountered frequently. 3) In the Beta3 version, please allow the HTML to be edited like in previous UI versions. Would be especially helpful with the new Bet3 version if I could adjust the padding around the box, whether image or text. 4) In the Beta3 version, please include the image details when selecting an image from the Library (current dimensions, slider bar to adjust size, etc.) Or just have it somewhere for reference. 5) Love the new click-and-drag adjustment spacers in the Beta3 version that appear above images and text--can this also be applied to all sides? It would be awesome to adjust the right/left spacing on an image so the text doesn't appear on the far right. 6) Include all options/features in every campaign template. I'm talking--buttons, text box formats, background colors and textures, etc. If I build a campaign for confirming email subscription, I may not want to use the one template available. Maybe I want to use the template style I've been using, but add that button style so it matches the branding. 7) Add an image upload area to this feedback forum. I'm sure it would be much easier to see what people are talking about if they can upload screen shots. :smileyface:
I don't care for this new layout AT ALL. Previously, the email development tools were further to the left...pretty much out of the way so that I could easily see my email draft more toward the center of the page. This feels very awkward and unbalanced. There really needs to be a way to minimize the Build/Layout section because I seldom use it. Please move the Home / Campaigns / C Contacts / Reporting / Library back to the TOP of the page (in much smaller print/icons. Smaller Home icons as well as smaller vertical build/layout icons with the ability to open/close the tools could free up a lot of page space. Additionally, I used to be able to tweak the HTML code as needed in the ConstantContact templates to better suit my needs. Where is the HTML button? I don't like this at all.
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