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Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!

Please, please, PLEASE add a search option to campaigns that can be searched various ways. Preferably by key words! Thank you. I have been using constant contact for probably 16 years and this has NEVER been an option.
Constant Contact Partner
I often send the same emails year after year, but with this new "view all campaigns" I can no longer find things easily. I used to be able to select pages and could generally guess which page what for which year of an email. But now I have to hit "view all campaigns" again and again and again and again.... to find stuff. PLEASE put in a search function!
With this new version it is even more difficult to find older events and email blasts because now not only can you not choose how far back you want to search, you cannot see the newsletters either. Please fix this! Thank you,
Would be really helpful if we could search for sent campaigns by name. Also, with the latest changes to the site, the "Date Sent" on the Reporting screen is actually the date the campaign was saved. I send the stats to the salespeople in my office so they can see how the campaigns did, and the Date Sent is incorrect. Means I have to keep my own list of when campaigns were sent, then type the correct date into the report before I can distribute. Would be great if this could be fixed so it works like before. Thanks!
Campaign Expert
If there is how do I use it. If there isn't there should be. Thanks Curt Mason
Marketing Legend
Are you going to fix the issues of finding old campaigns? We can go back about 4 or 5 pages before it becomes excruciatingly slow to find campaigns we have run the previous the point we just give up and re-write a campaign...much more time consuming than with the old system where we could easily go back in time and copy with very minor changes.
Marketing Legend

Project Manager: Our new interface will be clean and sleek.  Discuss.

Design Team: These page numbers are so old school, and I'll bet they're hard for mobile users to click on.  Let's do something else here, like a View More.

Engineering: Huh... Yeah, we could do that.

Functional Consultants: ...

Design Team: Hey, where'd the functional guys go?

Project Manager: Too many delays tinkering through their test scripts. We got rid of them four years ago.

Design Team and Engineering: Ah, yes, we can almost remember that party!  But it sure would help to have their input on this View More thing.

Project Manager: Well, how problematic for real users could such a little design change be?  Instead of all those ugly page numbers, they just have one thing to click.  Might have to do a couple of clicks, but surely that's all there is to it.

Engineering: Yeah, give us the specs, we're good to go.

Campaign Collaborator
Please make it more user friendly to find previous campaigns! I need a search button, or a way to give a date range, not having to click on View More Campaigns every time I need to reuse one from last year. Please!!!
Campaign Collaborator

For everyone who wants to quickly find old emails, please see this post.  I found a trick that works -- it loads your emails with page numbers like before. Not as good as Search, but way better than "View More Campaigns" which only loads a few at a time.


Edit: Oh, good grief, Constant Contact.  Your permalink for each comment doesn't even work. Well, it's currently on page 3 of this thread, if you can find it.

Campaign Collaborator
Would be great to have search functionality for the emails that have been sent/in draft mode/or are scheduled. At the moment, I'm scrolling through all of our campaigns to get back to August of 2015 and it would also be nice to be able to jump to further pages instead of only the ability to click the "show more campaigns" button....
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