Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!

This product is very hard to manage without being able to search for specific titles or words
please add a function that allows you to search through old sent emails. so far the functionality isn't intuitive for me and I am not able to do what I need to do. i am currently wasting my time. please adjust my bill to accordingly.
Thumbnail photos for email so I can see what the email looked like without having to open each one up. Quick copy button so that I can copy an email layout that I like our duplicate an email from the past with 1 click. An email search bar so that I can quickly search through all the emails I have created by simply using key words from the title and subject line.
Campaign Expert
please add a SEARCH campaign option ASAP!!
Campaign Expert




Hello, My suggestion is to make it easier to search for "Sent Emails" by sorting them by Name. For example, if I want to look at the Holiday Emails that I sent the last few years, I could type "Holiday" to search. (Rather than scrolling page after page to find). I hope you like my suggestion!
Campaign Contributor

PLEASE ADD A SEARCH!!!!!!! Scrolling through hundreds of emails to find one from last year SUCKS!


I need to be able to search by keyword. For example, I would be able to search for "basic functionality" and the search would return a list of every email that contains "basic functionality" in the email name, subject line, or content of the email. You have a search bar at the top of this page. Why is it that I can search the "community" but not email campaigns? 


I would love to have the ability to search my campaigns for a specific word or words instead of having to scroll back through hundreds of campaigns to find one I did the previous year.  If a search bar could be added for this purpose it would be VERY helpful!  I love using Constant Contact so keep up the good work!!  :smileyface:

Campaign Contributor

I don't know what you all did to the Template selection area - but it is now terrible.  I've put in every type of search word and it keeps telling me there are no results. 

How does one find a 2-column Christmas template?????  Did I miss a tutorial somewhere!!


Give me back the old method!!!!


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