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Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!

I wish there was a way to search by putting in a word which would search all campaigns
Campaign Contributor
There should be a way to filter through campaigns by what they are titled as.
Unlike many other programs, there is no search in constant contact in the event we would like to see an old email, perhaps to copy or get info from.
It would be great to have a feature where you can search by the campaign name....we have a high volume of projects and it can be tough to find them. Thanks!
It would be really great to have the ability to search for campaigns that have been sent out already or in draft mode. Currently, to find an old email, I have to manually look for it. When you have a lot of emails, this is daunting to do. Thanks!
I would like to have a search feature on the Campaigns page so I can easily find my previous campaigns without having to scroll through all of my campaigns. The Contacts page has one, so I feel like it would be easy for you guys to add one to the Campaigns page. Thank you!
We are a tour company and we use Constant Contact to send out our itineraries using the automation feature to send the original itinerary as well as follow-up emails. Many times the same person (with the same email address) will ask for an itinerary on more than one occasion, often months or even years later. We would like there to be a way to take them out of a list and then re-add them to the same list in order to get the emails sent to them. As it is set up now, we have to manually send the items using our outlook account because Constant Contact does not allow for us to resend the same automation series to an email address that it previously was sent to. We are hoping that this will be a feature that will be added soon. Another feature that would be VERY helpful is to be able to search campaigns by name or date as we are often looking back at previous campaigns and have to scroll though many pages of previous campaigns in order to locate one we are looking for. Thank you for your attention to these items.
Constant Contact Partner

Constant Contact's advanced search used to allow for searching within an email address. E.g. if I wanted to search for every email with the word "spam" somewhere in the email address I could do so. But for months now it has only been possible to search on "starts with" or "ends with." This is not effective for searching and removing likely spam and/or abusive email addresses which is useful for both customers of Constant Contact and, I assume CC itself, as the better customers maintain lists the better CC's overall reputation.. Please bring back the ability to search within email addresses.

I've been an active client for years and the recent changes have made CC even more difficult to use. Why isn't there a search field for events?
i should be able to search my campaigns to find an old one to copy.
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