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Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!


There's got to be a better way to find a campaign than going through the entire list (of 812) to find something that I don't want to create from scratch again!



Alphabetical by campaign title?

I've just wasted more than an hour looking for the one I need




Please make sent campaigns searchable by title
Marketing Legend

...with use of wildcards in the search string.

Marketing Legend
once again, i'm spending time trying to find an old email to update. It's taking me 30 minutes. Insult to energy is that if i click on an email, then i lose my place in the cue. Am returned to the start of the long LIST of emails, clicking and clicking to view emails for one and more years back. PLEASE FIX THIS. We are pleading with you!!! At this point, hundreds of us!!! I feel you have taken our money and not given us the product, at least, that we have purchased. It is diminished by a HUGE degree! Usually, companies improve things, not make things worse. Please make this a PRIORITY NOW.

Where are the images of each newsletter that used to be at the left of the list?  This is essential for non-profit volunteers trying to get out a quick new newsletter.  I used to be able to see it, preview it, copy it, change the name and go with my new changes.  It is what made creating emails easy and creative.  Why in the world did you remove such an important helpful feature?  When will it be back?


Or is there some easy way to see a thumbnail of each newsltter tht I just can't find.....

Campaign Contributor
There needs to be a search mechanism so that the past campaigns can be search by name. This is not working well the way it is currently set up. Thank you for your consideration.
Hello, it would be nice if there was a way to search campaigns by keywords. Right now I have to scroll through pages to find an old email that I want to copy.
There needs to be a way to easily search for old "sent" emails. It used to be you could jump ahead or back several pages to locate old "sent"emails. Now you have to keep clicking "view more campaigns" until you get there. It's a pain. Please go back to the old way, and to make it even better, add a "search" field.
please go back to old format...please please add a search function
Hello-- with the new interface, I am having a hard time searching for an older campaign that I would like to recreate again. How can I search by key word? Thank you, Andreea
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