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Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!

Campaign Contributor
do you have a search function to find old campaigns? I have to do "view more campaigns" now, which is not convenient at all and slow.

First I would like to say I love using Constant Contact!  It is easy to figure out and we have been

happy customers for a few years now.  I like all the updating and everything is working great.


It would be even more awesome if we could have a search bar in our Campaign section that we could put the title

in of our e-mail that we are looking for.  Most of the time I copy existing Campaigns and I need to find them to update and 

send out.  Right now I scroll through searching for them one by one.  It would save me a lot of time if you can make a

search bar and I can just put in the title and bam, it pops up!


Thank you!

Traci Frederickson

Fountain of Life Christian Fellowship


First I would like to say I love using Constant Contact!  It is easy to figure out and we have been

happy customers for a few years now.  I like all the updating and everything is working great.


It would be even more awesome if we could have a search bar in our Campaign section that we could put the title

in of our e-mail that we are looking for.  Most of the time I copy existing Campaigns and I need to find them to update and 

send out.  Right now I scroll through searching for them one by one.  It would save me a lot of time if you can make a

search bar and I can just put in the title and bam, it pops up!


Thank you!

Traci Frederickson

Fountain of Life Christian Fellowship

Campaign Expert
I really miss the ability to skip ahead a few pages in old email campaigns to find one from last year or the year before. I just spent over 10 minutes scrolling and then when I clicked on the wrong one, had to start all over. You have limited the ability to look back to old campaigns and re-use them. Please fix this!
A while back this changed. The search field was taken away and the interface is a little different. Now, I don't have any way to search through past campaigns! And when I tried load other campaigns, it just spins and loads forever. I've been trying to load older campaigns for weeks and it just keeps failing. If the search option was still there, that would be really, really handy.
There needs to be somewhere to search for past email campaigns and if there is that option, it needs to be easier to find.
Campaign Expert

You used to be able to search for old emails much more easily than now.


You had page numbers before so that if you were looking for an email you sent 6 months ago, you could go to page 5 and see the dates those emails were sent. If you went to far, you could go to page 4.


Now you have to scroll down and it takes forever!


Bring back the old method.


Thank You

You have a search function in the library section. It would be extremely helpful if you had a search function in the campaign section.
Campaign Contributor

Before recent "improvements", it was fairly simple to search through my old campaigns by page (I knew I could find a post I sent from September 2015, for example, on page 😎 to locate one to re-use as a template. I did this very often = just jump to a numbered page. No worries then. Now, I'm forced to spend hours (not kidding) wasting time clicking and reclicking "view more campaigns" to prompt the reloading of at most 4 - 5 items at at time while scrolling endlessly to locate a campaign. "Use the search function" they say, "just enter the title" they say - but the new "search" function only goes through the last 50 or is it just 30(?) eblasts. I send waaaaay more than that in a year. Since I most often re-use seasonal campaigns from prior years I need to go back a year or two on any given day to locate a desired piece to replicate. This new format is incredibly frustrating and such a loss in efficiency in this regard.

I know what you're going to suggest. "Just put them in a folder". I would If I could find them! When I do finally locate a campaign I'd like to hang on to and click the radio box to begin the process to "move to folder", the system locks up. :smileysad: I've been fighting with this for the past 3 hours. I'm toast. Calling it quits. And still haven't finished the campaign I came on to craft this eve. Please dear ConCon Conquerers, please expand the search function so we can actually locate our campaigns quickly and get ourselves back to work!


I often update previous campaigns. It would be wonderful if you could provide a search window on the main page so that I could easily find a campaign I'm looking for. If that's not possible, is it possible to be able to categorize the campaign on the final page before I schedule it? It's rather annoying to have to go back and categorize a campaign after it's sent.

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