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Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!

Brand Visionary
On the Campaign page under sent items, I have to click through every single page to find something I sent months ago but don't remember exactly when. For sent e-mails, can you put a search box so that I can type a keyword to find the e-mail? This would save a lot of time. I don't like scrolling. Thanks.
Constant Contact Partner
Unbelievably, it seems you no longer have the ability to search campaigns. All one can do is scroll through a list organized by date or A-Z. We have hundreds of campaigns. Please tell me this is not the only way to find something!
Constant Contact Partner

PLEASE ADD A SEARCH FUNCTION.  This is such an abvious feature to include when you have a history of communication and want to keep customers for the longhaul!  

Good Afternoon, I copy emails that have been sent previously. Sometimes the originals have been sent years before. Please create a SEARCH option within the campaigns. Thank You.
It would be so incredibly helpful to me if you included a "SEARCH" function ... that way, when I need to look back at an email I've sent, I could punch in the relevant words and find it without having to go through everything page by page ... Thank you!!!
There are times I know I've created something 6+ months ago and would like to copy it, but it takes awhile to search back through all the pages. If I could search my campaigns by keyword, that would save a lot of time!
Status changed to: New
Marketing Legend

With 45 pages of campaigns, pagination is not very helpful.  The search box, like the one on the Reporting page, would be brilliant.  It still takes a lot of time and stabing in the dark to find a campaign by page number, especially since there is no way to sort them by sent date.  We have over 100 clients, so using folders is not much faster.  I still don't understand if you already have the technology (located on the Report page) why not just implement it on the campaigns page.  Also, you still have not fixed the issue that there is no way to sort on SENT date & time; I have no idea what date is used to sort old to new, new to old, and last modified.  If I'm looking for a specific previously sent email, I will know the date it was sent, not the date is last save or modified or who knows what date.  PLEASE add the search box... :smileysad:

Dear constant contact, I think it would be very helpful to have a search function to search for emails instead of having to scroll to find older ones that we can copy. Thanks so much.

E-mails need to be searchable. 

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