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Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!

Marketing Legend

We've been asking for this for two years now....  I don't get why CC can't respond/fix.  Beyond the pale.

If I have a survey that mentions 'gateway', I'd sure like to find it through a search- and not click every page every survey... (or did I miss it?)

Please make a search function so that it is easier to find emails via keyword, date, year, etc. If I want to reuse an email, say to update an annual event, I have to search through hundreds of emails to find the one I need. This takes a good amount of time. It seems a search function is a pretty common resource. It would add tremendous value to Constant Contact, not only for emails, but for photos, documents, etc.  Thank you.

Campaign Contributor
PLEASE!!!!!! add a SEARCH Function to the Campaigns tab. Most of us have 100's of campaigns on file, which makes it very hard as it is now, to find any of them quickly. I know I'm not alone on this!! Please listen to your customers and add a "Search" function!
Why is there not a search option for previous campaigns. As of now you need to go back page by page. Please create this feature. I'm pretty surprised this is not being offered and is very useful tool that will be extremely beneficial to those who use this program. Thanks!

Love Constant Contact! Would like to suggest that you add a "search" function to your campaign list, so that we can more quickly find old campaigns.

I have been requesting this feature for YEARS! When are you going to add a search function to my campaigns page?!!! Very frustrating...
Campaign Contributor
Please add a function that allows me to search my previous campaigns
There should be a search button in the campaign section so we can easily look for past campaigns instead of scrolling through pages and pages to find them.
Campaign Collaborator
There NEEDS TO BE A SEARCH BOX in the on the campaign list page.
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