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Create dropdown fields for sign up forms

I need to know the industry that my subscribers are from. In the profile update they provide that information in an un standardized way. Can there be a drop down list so I have consistent values in that field and can sort on it. otherwise, there a lot of different names for the same industry. Ii run webinars and Go to Webinar has a dropdown list for industry so all of the lists I upload from webinar registrations (they opt into the list) has standard industry responses. This is extremely critical. I can't ask my subscribers to update their industry or it will corrupt the CC data base for that field.


Is this feature still under consideration? It will be very helpful for us!


I would love to have more options than "date" or "text" that is limited to 50 characters available for Custom Fields. Drop-down, yes/no, checkboxes, and memo fields would be fabulous. They tend to be standard on most relational databases, so I don't understand why they aren't available on Constant Contact. How do you expect folks to be segmenting email lists if we can't standardize custom fields???


Constant Contact - it's long overdue that you add this basic functionality.  Having date and text as the only possible options for inputting data to custom fields is ridiculous.  


This has been suggested a couple of years with over 83 comments. I'm adding my vote here that yes, for a sign-in/up form, it would be beneficial to have a drop down, radio buttons for choices. Majority of the online forms have this as a basic custom field and hopefully Constant Contact will consider and implement it.

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