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Go back to contact view when editing

When I'm working with contacts, sometimes I need to make changes to several contacts with the same last name. In the old contacts system there was a "back" option that would allow me to return to the previous search results...it would be nice to still be able to do that instead of having to search again once I've looked at a specific contact's screen.

a few things that would be helpful to update in the new contacts functionality (emphasis on 2 & 3): 1- a place once in a particular contact record to quickly go back to the previous searched results page (without having to hit the back browser button) 2- Search box accessible while in a particular record that allows you to instantly begin another search from all contacts without having to go back to the main contacts page 3- Place to see ALL email Lists and ALL Tags at once and not just in one side bar on the main contacts page where you can only scroll
Campaign Expert
I have to start all over because there is no back button after checking a bounced email.
Brand Visionary
To go back to the list, you need to re-open it again, instead of going "back." Site also is slow, like when first went from DOS to Windows. Hopefully you will become fast as windows has and this is not just a resource problem.
Campaign Contributor
I am looking at the Did Not Open Section but when I click on an email address to look in more detail, then click 'Back' it takes me to to opens list so I have to click on did not open again !!
Campaign Contributor
Need BACK button to return to BOUNCE Lising
Campaign Contributor
The navigation on the new interface is awful. If everything return to first report screen. If you have multiple pages of reports of opens if you click one and finish the return arrow gets you to the first page of the reports, no the page you left off on, Time to look for another email solution.
You've taken away the "back" button and have clogged up management of my unsubscribes and bounces. I prefer not to export them... I like to remove them from my own database directly from the unsubscribe or bounce report. Now, when I try to copy an email address from an unsubsribe report, your system goes into la la land and I then have to backtrack with my browser to get back to where I started. So, where's the back button?
Campaign Contributor
I don't like your new look. When I select a contact from the opened list, I can't return to the list (and least it is not intuitively obvious). Previously, there was a BACK arrow - now there is none - and we I use the windows back arrow, it doesn't work either. Plus it does not appear as if I can print a contact record and get the emails they received, the ones they opened and the number of times they opened the email(s) - as we could before. WHY ALL THE CHANGES WITHOUT KEEPING THE PREVIOUS FUNCTIONS?????
This is a major flaw! For example, when reviewing individual contacts from our Bounce report, there is no way to return to the original list without running the entire report again. Ditto for general contact management when cleaning up lists. Lack of a Back button, or Return to List functionality makes the site extremely inefficient. Please remedy this! Lynda Brunner office.manager@insitesoftware.com
The new version doesn´t allow me to erase or merge - one by one contact - and stay at the same page or position where I was. When I do this process it always return back at the 1st page (1-50 contacts) and because I have more than 9000 contacts, imagine how complicated and tedious it is to work. I will appreciate if anybody can help me in this matter. Thanks
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