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Go back to contact view when editing

When I'm working with contacts, sometimes I need to make changes to several contacts with the same last name. In the old contacts system there was a "back" option that would allow me to return to the previous search would be nice to still be able to do that instead of having to search again once I've looked at a specific contact's screen.

Marketing Expert
I look at the forum for similar problems that I have (of which there are many) looking for solutions that have been posted by CC staff. When clicking the link to return to the form page, I go back to the top of the list (page 1) eventhough I may be on page... say 10. Why don't I return to the point on the list from which I came?
Super frustrating that I look at a contact on who clicked through an email, then I can NOT go back to the list. I have to start over on each one.
When selecting a specific contact from a list for detail review, we are unable to go back to the previous page with full list, although the back arrow is available. No other "Back" option either.
Most 'upgrades' are a step forward. This is a step backward. The site is very slow on a Uverse connection. When working with contacts, each change takes me back to the first contact and I have to scroll page and scroll back to the last contact I edited to proceed. It looks like you cared more about having the trendy style than you cared about the user. It is very sad.
I'm trying to edit and add contact details. Whenever I get done making changes to a contact there's no easy feature I've found (please help me if there is?) to go back to the email list serve you were making changes from. How do I effectively move back to the previous page without having to go through 3-4 pop-up windows to get back to the contact list?
Updating my bouncebacks, on pg 2, 51-100. When I finish updating the info and save, then hit the back button, takes me back to Pg 1. pain in the ass. what happens when I get to Pg. 5 or more. You should be able to return to the page you were on.
The "Back to Managing Bounces" button is no longer available. Everything takes twice as long. It was so much better before the change.
This set up is too not time effective.
It is very annoying when managing contacts to have to continuously go back to the main list and then click into each individual contact to edit. There should be an option on each individual contact edit page to proceed to the next one. Also after saving, it should return to what page of the contact list you were previously on - not the beginning! It is getting very frustrating!
Campaign Contributor
DO a search, click a contact to edit and now no way to go back to search results. If click contact it reruns the search. If click browser back button it reruns the search. I want to go back to the search results and work on another contact. Waiting 3 mins for the system to search again and redisplay my results wastes my time.
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