Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Go back to contact view when editing

When I'm working with contacts, sometimes I need to make changes to several contacts with the same last name. In the old contacts system there was a "back" option that would allow me to return to the previous search results...it would be nice to still be able to do that instead of having to search again once I've looked at a specific contact's screen.

When viewing bounces, when i click on a contact to view it, there is no back to bounces button. It would be nice to have that, otherwise, I have to click through from the email to the bounces every time. thank you.
I do not like how to add customers now. It is redundant in some parts. And you have to scroll and open and scroll and open. Ahaha! I liked the old way better.
You need to program the software so when you make a change for a one contact in the list of contacts, you are then returned to the same same place in the contact list and not brought back to the beginning to list.
When cleaning up emails in bounce back lists, it would be far better if when one clicks on a name to see the source list, that it take you back to where you left off. Instead it goes to the top of the list and requires one to search to find the spot in the list where you left off. Very annoying.
ok I take back what I said about viewing all who are in one list but the process of checking which list a contact is in by checking on their name seems to have vanished. also there's no way to get BACK to previous intermediate step ; the back arrow takes you all the way to the begining
When I'm searching my contacts - and find someone with a last name beginning with a y, then click on their name, then click on the back button - the page goes back to a. I wish it would go back to y. Hope that makes sense.
the new inability to "back page" from a specific contact back to your "click" list is absolutely archaic in this day and age. some one deserves a moldy bologna sandwhich for approving this. everything else is great... thank you.
Campaign Collaborator
When I merge a contact I'm creating with a preexisting contact, the site automatically takes me to the contact page. But when I am creating hundreds of contacts, the time it takes me to go back to the main contacts page and select create new contact adds up. There should be a direct link to create a new contact from the contact pages.
Brand Visionary
Please have back button work so that page returns to section of report where I was previously, not jumping me to top; e.g. I look at reports on email, click on "Bounced", click on specific entry to correct typo or add to contact detail, click "save", then click "back" -- instead of backing up one step in the work flow sequence, I am bumped up to the top of the report. Please give me the option to use old interface. This new interface -- besides taking forever to load -- dumps functionality that was extremely useful. e.g. I want to export "Bounces" not the entire list so that I can review / correct list and upload corrected file.
If you have to do any kind of maintenance on your list it takes a tremendous amount of time to get back to where you were working. A back button to the previous screen would help a lot!
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