Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Multi Domain DKIM Authentication



It would be great to have the ability to authenticate multiple domains using DKIM. Our school operates multiple divisions, each with their own domain name. I would love the ability to authenticate from all of them as opposed to just one. I'm sure other people would be interested in this feature as well. 




Any updates on this? With the requirement to authenticate with DKIM and DMARC for google and yahoo, we need to be able to authenticate multiple domains in Constant Contact.


I agree! I used to be able to send out emails that were linked to different email addresses.  Now ALL of my emails are linked ONY to the authenticated domain email address.  Support for this is pointless. It took almost an HOUR for the person on chat to understand that I didn't want/need to add another email address.  Because that is totally pointless if all emails show "sent from" the authenticated domain email address.


I have been a customer here since 2005, and I hate to lose my lists and historical emails, but this just is not working for me!  And apparently, I am not the only person with this issue!  The email was started TWO YEARS ago with no resolution.


We also need to authenticate multiple domains under one account. As many others have previously posted, we add our voice to those asking you to please fix this ASAP or delay implementation of the new policy until you have the software capability to service customers like us who require this feature. 

Campaign Contributor

We need to be able to authenticate multiple domains in Constant Contact.


I was able to successfully authenticate the primary domain for my email account.  However, there seems to be no way to authenticate a secondary domain.  Please add the feature to authenticate more than one domain.  Thanks


Is there any update on this? The only options to send from multiple domains as of now are either:


1. Create a new account for each domain. This multiplies my monthly cost by the the number of domains I send to.

2. "remove self-authentication" which forces a rewrite of the From Address with "ccsend.com domain". This is obviously not reasonable in a business setting.


It's very surprising givensupports this as I've already confirmed with their team and validated myself. I'd rather continue using Constant Contact, at the very least for familiarity. However, multiplying costs by the number of sending domains needed doesn't make any practical sense given is the same cost for sending from multiple accounts as Constant Contact is for only a single account.


I'd greatly appreciate this being resovled as soon as possible.


Add us to the list of customers who have to look elsewhere due to this single-domain restriction.


I too need resolution.  

All my test emails using ccsend.com end up in spam folder.  I know you can whitelist, but how many won't see initially...



We need the ability to authenticate multiple domains. We support multiple groups for events and not being able to authenticate more than one domain makes it difficult to get things done.


What is the status on this feature?


Our company supports both service and software. We have separate domains for each and would like the ability to send out emails through either one. Please work on this feature. Even if its a little extra on price we would prefer that than trying to manage multiple logins with separate domains. It gets messy and hard to track correspondence. 

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