Columns change size (width) when publishing

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My colored columns change width when sent.

They start off like this....(as shown in preview as well)



and in Outlook, it comes out like this......


This has happened now two weeks in a row. Gmail comes over properly but Outlook does not.





Top Answer

Hi @BeaW0 , 


I do apologize that you are running into that! That is actually an Outlook display issue that causes the Zoom link to stretch the column, rather than breaking the link into two different lines. Our engineering team is currently investigating this issue, and will reach back out to you with any updates or fixes we have regarding it.


In the meantime, you can try inserting a text link, rather than the entire Zoom URL into the email to prevent it from stretching. You can also try using a third-party URL shortener, (such as Bitly), to shorten the Zoom URL and prevent stretching that way. 

0 Votes

Hi @BeaW0 , 


I do apologize that you are running into that! That is actually an Outlook display issue that causes the Zoom link to stretch the column, rather than breaking the link into two different lines. Our engineering team is currently investigating this issue, and will reach back out to you with any updates or fixes we have regarding it.


In the meantime, you can try inserting a text link, rather than the entire Zoom URL into the email to prevent it from stretching. You can also try using a third-party URL shortener, (such as Bitly), to shorten the Zoom URL and prevent stretching that way. 

Amanda G.
Community & Social Care
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