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Email Open Rates and Industry

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A good open rate for emails typically varies depending on the industry and type of email campaign. However, a general benchmark for a good open rate is between 15% to 25%. Constant Contact has a great list of open and click rates by industry. You can view their most recent one here: 


In addition, in your account, you will see industry average rates that they have compiled and are updated weekly (which may differ from the rates in this list).

There are some factors that can influence open rates such as

  • Industry – you will see from the list that different industries have different open rates. Non-profit and government emails typically have higher open rates than retail or e-commerce.
  • Audience – If you have a highly targeted and segmented list, you will usually get better open rates.
  • Email Content – How well the subject line performs in getting people to open the email is very important in addition to the relevance and quality of the email content.
  • Send Time – Testing different send times can help find the best time for your audience. 

Want to know the best ways to increase your email marketing open rates? Learn tips and suggestions by watching this short video here: 


Let me know if you have any questions. I’m always happy to help.
David Fischer

Solutions for Growth

David Fischer

Solutions for Growth

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Note: I am not a Constant Contact employee.

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Thanks for sharing @DavidFischerSolutionsForGrowth! These are some great tips that will surely help someone who is just starting out or has questions about email open rates and the ins and outs of email marketing. Thanks for always being a great contributor! 

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