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Embiggen "View Entire Message"

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Marketing Legend

Here is an example of the one of the many requests from our readers to make the "View Entire Message" notation much more noticeable: 


Dear hard-working newsletter designers,

I was surprised when told about the small print below our newsletter that says:

 "Message clipped]  View entire message."

(It flew under my radar.)

There is so much text in our lives that folks don't pay attention to all of it, especially peripheral text.

While planning to read the entire newsletter, I didn't notice it.

Could I be the only one who misses the rest of our wonderful UU news?


add a LARGE colorful box

that looks like the newsletter itself

that says--


then the words: [click here]


Many of our readers have complained that their articles are not being published when, in fact, they are in the newsletter but our newsletters are very large and when the rest of the email is clipped, our readers become confused. (We are a church of mostly elderly members but this has also happened to our younger, more tech savvy members.) Please make this feature way more prominent ASAP. I am really getting weary of being blamed for not publishing an article in a timely manner. Thank you.


Hi @DeniseC843. This is a good question. This type of link that you are seeing is put in place by the recipient's email client and cuts off at a certain email length or character count. Therefore we are unable to control where the email cuts off or how it displays. 


Caitlin M.
Community Manager

View solution in original post


Hi @DeniseC843. This is a good question. This type of link that you are seeing is put in place by the recipient's email client and cuts off at a certain email length or character count. Therefore we are unable to control where the email cuts off or how it displays. 


Caitlin M.
Community Manager
Campaign Collaborator
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This is not really a solution to the problem.


It appears that you can insert a "View as Webpage" link anywhere in the message:


Wouldn't this solve the issue?

Campaign Collaborator
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