I'm receiving an error - cannot send

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I'm receiving an error, 

Oops! Something went wrong with your action block. Try editing the content to continue, or contact our support team.
I did not add an action block to the email. I've deleted the blocks and reinserted text blocks, still receiving the error. 
Any suggestions?
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Hello @DavidP452 ,


Do you know if the original template this email was copied from had any special action blocks in it - like a product block or event block? Are you able to make a new copy from that original template, and get to at least the scheduling page with that new copy?


Otherwise, are you able to schedule your current email when you go to it from the Campaigns screen?

schedule campaigns screen.png


Typically that error message denotes a corruption of the email's coding, which may require it being rebuilt from scratch, or copied from an earlier source, rather than another copied-copy.

William A
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