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Fix the New Email Editor to be User Friendly

Campaign Contributor

There are so many issues with the new editor, I don't know where to start. This was clearly designed to be prettier not more functional. Being a UI & UX specialist it's very disappointing to see the functionality get dramatically worse, rather than improved. I though Constant Contact was better than that. 

The toolbar options hop around way too much. Depending on what type of content you are editing the information to edit it is in a different location. For example, the hyperlink tool. You click on an image it's at the top. You click on a button the hyperlink tool in the left toolbar. You click on text it's at the top but it's cluttered and hard to find quickly. When a creative is at work and adding links all at once or similar edits all at once the toolbar can be skipping around or it drastically slows down the workflow. 


Also, the toolbar is now located way at the top and takes a LONG mouse drag to access, if you're a speedy designer trying to optimize your time, 50 long click drags add up really quickly slowing down your workload. The toolbar should be closer to the panel the user is working in and CONSISTENT so the user can create a smooth workflow and optimize their time. Workflow should be one of the biggest priorities for improvement when updating a software like this, not the last. 


Overall, make the toolbars quicker to access (closer to the action taking place, make the toolbar items consistent with location and look so the user can expect where the tools and find them quickly, and get into a smooth workflow. 

Top Answer

Hello everyone,


To ensure that feedback regarding the current email builder (CPE) is a) productive, and b) providing pertinent troubleshooting info, our team is going to ask that if you are responding, you're providing some of the following:

  1. Are the issues you're experiencing in the current builder occurring in multiple browsers, or just one in particular? Do the issues occur in incognito/private browsing mode?
    • This is important to know, as it could indicate caching/cookies-related issues that can be simply cleared, or something more specific to the browser's setup (extensions, ad/pop-up blockers, specific settings, etc.) This isn't us demanding you use a different compatible browser, it's to pinpoint if there's some aspect of the current browser you're working in that other users may also have, that we can pinpoint as causing the issue, and can work to address (e.g. a problematic setting or incompatible extension).
  2. Is the issue you're encountering a result of getting used to the current builder (CPE), or are you working in a template that was converted from the previous, retired builder (3GE)? If you're working in a converted template, are your issues occurring in newly made templates?
    • The devs are working to ensure as much parity as possible with converted 3GE templates, however some functionalities that don't exist anymore will simply result in blank spacer blocks that would need to be removed. If you're encountering a significant number of issues with converted templates that isn't occurring in ones built natively in CPE, it may indicate there's junk coding in the converted template that may require being rebuilt in the current editor (our phone support can assist with this). 
  3. Are you using a template that's several generations of copying previous copies deep, or are you copying / creating directly from a pre-built template or your saved reusable template?
    • Templates can maintain junk coding if they're continuously copied from previous copies over-and-over, which can affect the editing process and even impact how the email displays when sent out. Copying or creating directly from a reusable template you've made or pre-built template from the template selection screen avoids this issue entirely. 
  4. If you feel the current builder is "more difficult" compared to the retired, 3GE builder, please provide thorough, explicit info on what aspects are difficult. Please provide screencaps and screen recordings that our devs can use for use cases and testing.

Please keep our Community Guidelines in mind while responding. If you'd prefer to provide the troubleshooting info privately, you're encouraged to email us at social_support(at)constantcontact(dot)com with your account username and the requested info. Thank you very much for your contributions, feedback, and cooperation so we can improve the email builder.

Marketing Legend

That's great, but I don't think you're hearing what we users are saying.


No one is asking for "as we expand the customization options available that allow you to apply more design styles"


We're asking for an editor that works and is user-friendly.  We don't need a cruise ship - a row boat would be fine if the oars were always in the correct place and acted as one would expect.  Sorry for the ridiculous analogy, but do you understand what I'm saying?  Thanks!

Campaign Collaborator
0 Votes

Exactly. THIS exactly! 

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