Summarize Your Email with AI When Posting to Social Media

Three New Bugs

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Marketing Legend

Three New Bugs:


Hitting Send throws a consistent 400 Error but the send happens anyways once you hit back a few times.


Graphics never finish uploading, but if you cancel, it turns out they uploaded anyway.


Social Share time is ALWAYS in the Past and throws an error until you correct it.


Verified and repeatable on multiple browsers, multiple OS's and confirmed by colleagues on multiple accounts.

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Update July 15: The devs are reporting that the 400 error issue has been resolved, as it was related to a cookie for the email UI. If you're still getting the error, clear your cookies related to Constant Contact, completely exit and re-enter your browser, and it should now be resolved.


Hello @user59424 ,


Thank you for the follow-up. Our higher level technical team is going to investigate the social share issue further, and will likely need to reach out for some live troubleshooting since it involves the Send Now functions of email and social shares. 


They should be reaching out to the account's default contact info. If you need them to reach out to a different phone number or email address, please reply directly to the @ mention email received from my response with that desired contact info. 


Please keep in mind that if we cannot recreate on our end, it becomes all the more imperative that you (and/or your colleagues as mentioned earlier) work with the support teams to provide as much detailed info and troubleshooting as possible, so the issue can be fully investigated. Without that, it becomes much more difficult to discover and address the root cause of an issue.

William A
Community & Social Media Support

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Hello @user59424 ,


Thank you for identifying some of these issues. Our devs are aware of issues that align with your descriptions for the first two, and they've been tracked to your account. If and when there's an update, the devs will notify you via email. 


Regarding the final issue about the social share, please provide some of the following troubleshooting details so our support teams can investigate further:

  • the browsers the issue is occurring on
  • does the issue occur on the private/incognito mode of the browsers
  • the operating systems you've tested on where the issue has occurred (including version)
  • a screencap of how the social share appears on your side between scheduling, and the "in the past" aspect described
  • the exact error message provided for the social share

William A
Community & Social Media Support
Marketing Legend
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The Social Share bug happens on any email campaign sent using Send Now.  The Social Share time defaults to the Send Now time, which is necessarily already in the past by the time you get to the Social Share screen.  (regardless of browser, OS, etc, etc.)

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Update July 15: The devs are reporting that the 400 error issue has been resolved, as it was related to a cookie for the email UI. If you're still getting the error, clear your cookies related to Constant Contact, completely exit and re-enter your browser, and it should now be resolved.


Hello @user59424 ,


Thank you for the follow-up. Our higher level technical team is going to investigate the social share issue further, and will likely need to reach out for some live troubleshooting since it involves the Send Now functions of email and social shares. 


They should be reaching out to the account's default contact info. If you need them to reach out to a different phone number or email address, please reply directly to the @ mention email received from my response with that desired contact info. 


Please keep in mind that if we cannot recreate on our end, it becomes all the more imperative that you (and/or your colleagues as mentioned earlier) work with the support teams to provide as much detailed info and troubleshooting as possible, so the issue can be fully investigated. Without that, it becomes much more difficult to discover and address the root cause of an issue.

William A
Community & Social Media Support
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