Hello @CGS_Durham ,
If you need to make certain adjustments to its sizing, you can do so within our editor after importing it.
If your concern is with how well it'll work on mobile versus desktop, it'll largely come down to whether or not you designed the original Canva image with mobile viewability in mind to begin with. You can crop and reduce metadata resolution in our editor, but if the overall design favors a larger desktop display, then it likely won't translate well to mobile.
With that in mind, your Canva image would need to make use of the very limited width space, and focus on a more thin, vertical look. Mobile screens are obviously significantly smaller than laptop and desktop screens, with images at 480px wide able to fill up the entire width of a mobile version of an email. If your Canva image is going to be the bulk of your email's design, then this becomes even more important. Text needs to be particularly large, and images should probably take up the width of the template while resting above or below any related text.
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