This CAPTCHA box is causing some accessibility concerns. If there is no option to remove the CAPTCHA box, is it possible to address the accessibility issue that it is causing?
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It simply doesn't work well, is slow and is a hassle. Really do not appreciate this being forced on us. There are times when I need to access my account quickly and this is an impediment. I have been a customer for some 20 years and this is not how a customer service friendly company should operate.
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To clarify, I am using GA4 and GTM on my website. My website uses embedded Constant Contact forms. I use the recipe in this post to track when a Constant Contact form is successfully submitted.
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I don' t know why you're getting 2 clicks, but maybe you want to try tracking the "success" message visibility instead of the click. I posted an overly complicated GTM tag explanation here. It's complicated because I want to know the Form ID in addition to the click.
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