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Free template issue

Campaign Contributor
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There is a "Free" template that has a watermark in the background. If you provide these as free, they shouldn't have a copyright issue. Please have designers correct.

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Hi @Kulinski,


This is a template you found in our template picker? Do you recall the name of the template?

Content Manager

Elevate your marketing with Constant Contact's Professional Design Services! From eye-catching email templates to custom branding and social media graphics, our professional design services are tailored to boost your business's impact and engagement.

Campaign Contributor

Yes, it is on a FREE Constant Contact templates. I based my entire campaign around it and after finishing and getting ready to send to over 7,000 people, saw the watermark "shutterstock" in painted background. I had to redesign because no one at Constant Contact could assist me. I am guessing one of your designers made a mistake and used images that you don't own.

Title on template:Non-Profit Fundraiser with Featured Artist

The most frustrating part wasn't the redesign, it was no one in call center could figure out how to handle my call. They had no escalation process if they can't help a customer.
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Thank you for the extra information! I went and looked and I can confirm what you're seeing. I'm sorry to hear about the experience trying to address it with support. I appreciate you bringing it to our attention. I'm going to forward it to the right people here to have it addressed.

Content Manager

Elevate your marketing with Constant Contact's Professional Design Services! From eye-catching email templates to custom branding and social media graphics, our professional design services are tailored to boost your business's impact and engagement.

Campaign Contributor

Thank you.

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Of course. I've submitted the feedback to the right person but with the holiday weekend in the U.S. it might take some time to circle back and address it. I'll keep an eye on this, though.

Content Manager

Elevate your marketing with Constant Contact's Professional Design Services! From eye-catching email templates to custom branding and social media graphics, our professional design services are tailored to boost your business's impact and engagement.


Whoops, looks like Nick and I doubled-up on this. Thank you for providing the info, we'll ping the teams that handle the pre-built template designs with your feedback regarding the watermark.


As far as the escalation, it looks like both agents were prepared to transfer you to a manager so you could speak about the issue further, but the first call got DC'd, and the other offer was outright refused, based on the notes. Typically a manager would be better equipped to handle reaching out to the design teams to collect and provide feedback from customers. Design teams don't handle inbound support calls. 


When it comes to the pre-built templates, if you like the general layout of a template, but not all elements of it (including any generic imagery that still possesses its watermark), then you are welcome - and encouraged to - replace it with your own design elements to make it more in-line with your branding.

William A
Community & Social Media Support
Campaign Contributor
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I very rarely use your templates and usually design my own, so I am well aware of the design feature. But I wanted to try out your free templates for a quick and easy process on a short timeline. I searched for images to match that exact painted background, so you can understand my frustrations when I saw the watermark.

The first call center call was a long one and he kept trying to upsell me with paying for designers at CC instead of trying to help with the issue. After being disconnected and then calling back and going through it all over again on hold several times, I asked to talk to a supervisor. She said I can but she needed to fill out documentation first and it might take some time before she could transfer me. At that point, I was done and had no time to keep waiting for assistance. The whole point was to make your team aware, I had already finished redesigning my email.

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