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Ability to export list names and number of contacts

0 Votes

hi - 

we would benefit from an export function that shows you how many names are in each list in a .csv. this would be useful. 

Status changed to: Clarifying

Hi @DanT93. When you export contacts, they are put into a CSV format. In the file, it shows how many rows there are, which will equal the number of contacts in a list. Is there some other functionality you are looking for with exporting?

Status changed to: Acknowledged

External reply (list names removed for account security)


Ideally and at scale I would want to pull a report that shows how many names are in each list.
The output of which would look like:


  • List 1 – 3,000
  • List 2 – 4000
  • List 3 – 3500
  • List 4 – 1000
  • List 5 – 2200

A list of lists, showing how many names are on each list.


At this time, individual list names cannot be exported. I will mark this feature request as Acknowledged. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on the idea but should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and could be taken under consideration for a future release.


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