Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!

Please add a Search feature to the new interface. It is too timely to scroll back through pages and pages of campaigns. This would help make marketing with Constant Contact easier, faster, and more efficient - not harder and more time-consuming.
Marketing Legend
What did you do ???? Where is my email? Cannot get to it??????????????? Thanks. Randy Veillon
We have been using CC for several years and probably have thousands of old archived campaigns. It would be nice to have a feature where we could search the names and/or content for specific words to find a previous campaign to use as a model for a similar one.
Constant Contact Partner

You are so on the money. Once again CC has issued a new and improved feature by making it even slower and more difficult to use. If you have 20 - 50 emails this probably works but if you have more than 50 (we have 400+) to have to scroll down and down again and again takes forever. And the customer specialist sneeringly suggested that all I had to do was change the sort to get to where I wanted to go. Tell me how that works for you when you want to find  "LOP MZT 2017". This new and improved feature makes old system which was miserable look good in comparison. Give us the ability to search by name or date or at least let us list more than 25 campaigns at a time and click different pages.

Please create a way to search for old emails. We used to be able navigate by page.
You used to have a toggle at the bottom that let you scroll back to previous pages. It was MUCH more efficient. I have spent WAY too long trying to find an old email. Some things were better with the previous version.
There has got to be a way to search campaigns. Am I missing it? We duplicate things from year to year and it sure would be nice to find what I did this time last year easier. I've had to hit the "view more campaings" button a 100 times. Thanks!
I have a big history of past campaigns that i refer to constantly. It would be helpful to have a search by date period to find older emails. thanks
Constant Contact Partner
If you locate a past campaign, for example in 2015, you open it, its not the one you wanted, so click the back button on the browser and instead of returning to the 2015 point I was searching, I am returned to the beginning of the most recent campaign. I am forced to go through "view more campaigns" over and over until I get back to 2015 and try again. Very frustrating and a real time waster!
Would it be possible to allow searches by campaign name or by date? Thank you.
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