Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!

Campaign Contributor

Any idea when this will be implemented? Seems like you guys lack in the most basic features and this is a PAID service! 

Marketing Legend

How many times do we have to beg and plead, Constant Contact, before you implement a basic search function? It's great that you finally brought back the thumbnail view, but for goodness sake, stop making cutesy changes and implement a basic search function. There are 59 pages in this reqest thread - not 59 comments - 59 *pages*. We users think this is a priority, and maybe soon you will too. C'mon now.

Campaign Contributor
We share a company account and have thousands of emails. It would be helpful if there was a search feature to easily find emails.

Having a search function for campaigns would be incredibly helpful, going through page by page looking for an email is tedious.

Marketing Legend

How about we wrap up this long list of requests with a "yes, we've implemented it"? That would be cool.


Aren't y'all tired of hearing us ask for this, Constant Contact? I know I'm tired of asking. 😕

Campaign Contributor

My non-profit has many users, thousands of campaigns, and it is a huge time sink for our already busy staff not to be able to find campaigns with a key word search. It really, really is needed.

Campaign Contributor

We need to search through campaigns to find previous email campaigns.


Hey Folks,


Just discovered this issue and found a quick work around.


Go to Reporting tab (in dark grey tool bar) from the main page > Then scroll down passed the ekg trend readout to Email Campaigns search bar.


Hope that helps and that it has not already been mentioned.


Thanks for the idea HughCO.  That will definitely be helpful, but it only searches emails not events.  Still, it helps!!



Campaign Collaborator

This is a huge help. Thank you so much! Of course, it would be nice if CC would just fix the issue. But this is a great work around. 

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