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Feature Request: Folders or Workspaces for Multiple Email Accounts - Templates and Campaigns

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As an entrepreneur and customer utilizing your platform, I have always been appreciative of the features ConstantContact provides. Your service has significantly aided in the productivity and efficiency of my business operations.

Problem Statement: I currently use a plan that allows up to five email accounts on ConstantContact. With multiple accounts, it's becoming increasingly challenging to segregate and manage content, campaigns, and analytics separately for each email account.

Proposed Solution: I believe many users like myself would greatly benefit from the introduction of a feature that allows the creation of distinct folders or workspaces for each email account added, all under the same plan. This structure would:

  1. Enhance Organization: By separating content, it would be easier to manage and locate specific campaigns or templates related to a particular email account.
  2. Improve Productivity: Less time would be spent sifting through mixed content, leading to faster decision-making and action-taking.
  3. Allow for Individualized Analytics: With segregated workspaces, users can quickly gauge the performance of campaigns for each email account without data overlap.

Benefits to ConstantContact: Besides meeting the needs of customers like myself:

  1. This feature can become a unique selling point, attracting businesses with multiple departments or product lines.
  2. Enhanced user experience can lead to increased customer retention and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

I understand that implementing new features requires careful analysis and development. However, considering the strategic advantages and the potential to alleviate user pain points, I genuinely believe this addition would be invaluable.

Status changed to: Gathering Information

Hello @HFIMBC ,


Thank you for the thorough feedback. Just to clarify, how would you like these functionalities to work separately from the currently available naming system for contacts, campaigns, and the library? At this time, by giving library and campaign folders, campaigns and templates, and even segments and contact lists their own names based on the agent or user that will be utilizing them, you can have separate workspaces set up within an account. If a user needs to find something another user has been working on, they can quickly hop into that other user's folders / lists, and find what they're looking for, or utilize the search functionalities on the campaigns, library, and contacts pages.


For more info on these existing functionalities:

Creating library folders

Creating campaign folders

Creating lists

Creating segments


Are you wanting to make it so no other user within the account can see other users' folders, campaigns, etc.? Or is your goal mainly to have a more explicit audit system for user activity?


If you're wanting wholly segregated accounts between your users for the sake of accessibility, management, and reporting, or plan have multiple, separate departments added going forward, have you looked into our Partner / Affiliate options to see if one of those work better for your needs?

Status changed to: Closed - Not Enough Information

Since we have not heard back from the original poster, we are closing this idea for future comments.

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