Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Include a translation button in campaigns

Would be great to have the option of inserting a translation button into email so clients could translate English text into Spanish!

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Some great feedback and use cases have been shared in this thread! Thank you all so much for taking the time to explain the importance of this feature within your organizations. We’ve compiled and discussed much of this feedback you’ve shared internally. There are no immediate developments happening, but we are continuing to share the feedback. We will mark this as Acknowledged and continue to keep this thread updated with any movement.


I agree. This would be a wonderful feature for our families! 

Just checking on this again? Is this feature available? If not, does anyone here know of a work around or another platform that has this feature? 


Please add a translate button!


Our office currently produces a lengthy newsletter each week in both English and Spanish. We spend a significant amount of time doing the Spanish version through Google translate, cleaning up the mess that makes of the formatting and laying the Spanish back into the English format. We would greatly appreciate having a translation button to add to our English version and only sending 1 version. Has there been any progress in considering adding this to Constant Contact? Thank you!

Constant Contact Partner

Our newsletter includes our Canadian colleagues. We've always sent the newsletter in English, as that is the "language of business" at our company. But Canadian regulations are requiring us to provide the content in French now. We don't have budget or resources to translate our content into French for the weekly newsletter (so even time is a constraint). Our only option at this point is to cease sharing the newsletter across the border. Having an easy way to provide a French version would be ideal!

Does this exist yet?  Our organization is increasingly serving Spanish speaking children and families and translation services are more and more necessary. I see other platforms are doing this - has Constant Contact made any progress on this? 


Would love to see a feature added so that subscribers to content could click a button within the e-mail to translate to their chosen language. I know that you can change the language in account settings but we need to send out the same newsletter to some in English and some in Spanish. Without knowing who needs which language, it would be labor-intensive and annoying to users to receive two different e-mails each time, not to mention difficult on us to switch the account settings back and forth for each campaign.


Thank you.


We will likely have to drop our Constant Contact subscription unless a translation option is added by spring, 2025. Sad. I prefer your product. Are there not enough healthcare or education companies in your subscriber base to justify adding this feature? Please, please, consider this feature which allows your customers to expand their inclusivity

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