Only 2 Weeks Remain in the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!


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It would be nice when uploading images and documents to the library, that you could automatically click a box and have them added to a file.  Also when you go to the library and try to view folders, the drop box opens up on the top and you cannot see all of the folders.  See example below.  It is not my screen as there is no way to adjust it to see all of the folders.  Also, there is no easy way to delete a bunch of images, documents at once. You have to click on each one individually. 


Screen Shot 2023-01-09 at 12.53.31 PM.png


Hi @BenW904


When you say you're looking to insert images/document into a file,  do you mean into a campaign? If so, are you looking for this option when uploading through the Library tab of your account? Uploading through the "Images" tab of your campaign does have an insert button that inserts your uploaded image directly into your campaign. Does this button help fit your needs?


As for your folders, this is actually a defect you're experiencing. In fact there are further details we would like to collect including: what browser is the issue seen in, are there any extensions in use, and does the issue happen in an incognito session or alternate browser? In the meantime, the workarounds we suggest is to:

  • Locate the desired image in the main Library tab and save it on the desktop. Upload the image directly in the insert image options within the editor.
  • Link the desired image from an external webpage using the link button in the insert image options.
Status changed to: Gathering Information
Status changed to: Closed - Not Enough Information

Thank you for taking the time to post in the Community. We haven't heard back from you so we are going to close this idea. This doesn't mean that we aren't listening to your feedback! Please feel free to comment or vote on any of the other open ideas to let us know what you would like to see.

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