Please do not bury future scheduled marketing campaigns

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Whenever I schedule a future email, it gets buried after my current Constant Contact emails go out. It would be helpful if scheduled future campaigns remained at the top of the feed, so I do not schedule two emails that go out at the same time.  


If you could make this happen, it would work better.



Status changed to: Gathering Information

Hello @PatrickC94 ,


Is the calendar view for your campaigns able to accomplish the campaigns' scheduled vs. sent view you're looking for?

Are you wanting this to be the default of the Campaigns page, or just the Emails subcategory page? Or are you wanting this to be an account setting of some kind?

Status changed to: Closed - Not Enough Information

Thank you for taking the time to leave us your feedback. We haven't heard back from you so we are going to close this idea. We will leave it open for comments in case you are able to provide us with the requested information.

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