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Schedule an email to multiple segments at one time

It seems that currently you can only select one prebuilt list segment when sending an email, but we would love to be able to select multiple segments. We can send to multiple lists, obviously -- curious why this isn't already an option? Thanks!

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @DianeJ73761. While we don't have information to share surrounding the limitation of sending to one segment, we certainly see how this would be useful. We'll open this idea up for voting and reply should we hear any updates. In the meantime, you can add segments to a list and send the email to the created list. 

Campaign Contributor

Thank you - that's helpful in the meantime!

Seconding this request! The difference between sending to two lists vs. two segments is that segments can refresh, removing and adding people based on our own criteria, without having to actually add and remove people manually from a list. It would be great to be able to send a message to one of our segments that doesn't change much and a second segment of people who joined our list in the last 30 days, but right now there's no way to do that. I have to send the same email twice! 

Status changed to: Acknowledged

We're updating the status of this idea to more accurately reflect its current status with our engineering team and also made slight changes to the subject line in order for it to be more easily found. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on this feature request with our scheduling tool but it should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and could be taken under consideration for a future release.

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