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Ability to look up contacts without email addresses

0 Votes

I have a number of contacts in my account with no email address or status, merely a first of last name. While they aren't doing any real harm, I would like to be able to permanently delete them. Currently you have to do this one by one. A feature to allow bulk deletes would be very helpful

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @DioceseofOlympia. Thank you for the suggestion. I'll tag this into a request we have for searching for these types of contacts under our contact redesign.


For others who are attempting to search for contacts without an email address, as a workaround, you can export your entire list of contacts to find the contacts without an address. If you wish to remove these from your account, in the file, delete all but the ones with no email address, upload them back into the account to a new list. From there, you can delete the list. As noted, these contacts are not active but we can understand the importance of keeping a list nice and clean. 

Status changed to: Acknowledged

We're updating the status of this idea to more accurately reflect its current status with our engineering team and also made slight changes to the subject line in order for it to be more easily found. There are no immediate developments happening and while we can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on this feature request, it should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and could be taken under consideration for a future release.


There is no way to filter contacts without an email address for mass deletion.  I have 6000+ without emails to delete, there is no way I am selecting them individually.


Furthermore, selecting "all" at the top of the contact list, should ONLY select all shown in the current view, not every single contact.  If that at least worked properly, i could have the ones with no emails shown at the top of the list and can view/select 500 at a time for deletion.  I thought that was pretty standard that it is selecting all in the current view, ie, how gmail works.Constant contact stupidity.png


Having to manually delete literally thousands of Contacts by hand because there is no easy way of getting rid of them. Either 1) have the Action selected from the drop-down only apply to the current view, like most applications. This would allow you to sort on email as a filter, and easily delete them in batches. Or 2) make your list filters better, so you can create a list of only those Contacts with a 'null' in the field. Both of these ideas would make Contact management easier.

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