Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!

Marketing Legend
It would be nice if you could search your campaigns instead of sorting and scrolling.
Campaign Contributor
We should be able to search by term of our choice to find dated surveys. I'm having to scroll through pages of surveys to find one from January. If I could type in a term, it could come up on the first page and save be a lot of time.
Status changed to: New

Thanks for posting this feedback!

we need to be able to search emails. I end up recreating emails when I could just tweak an email that I did earlier.
When asked about a topic that has been included in an email newsletter, unless I know the timeframe, I have no way to locate the email. If emails were searchable, it would be quite helpful.
It would be SUPER helpful if I could search for specific email campaigns instead of just sorting A-Z or Newest-Oldest or Draft vs. Sent. Also, I like the search options in the images, but I wish that once an image was placed in a folder, that's where it lived instead of being in the main image folder AND the special folder. It would be helpful to be able to sort/archive images and not have to still look through everything.
It would be helpful to have search functions enabled under campaigns and contacts. It would be more efficient to find things when you have over 100 campaigns and multiple lists.
Please add a search function in campaigns so I can find a certain campaign instead of making us scroll through pages and pages. AACK!

Yeah this is just LUDICROUS!!!! Unbelievable! We sorely need search functionality. We already use folders.

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