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Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!

We update and send Campaigns throughout the year, but in order to find the previous one sent, we have to go page-by-page to find it. A simple search feature would save a lot of time and frustration.
Campaign Contributor

I still can't believe you can't get a simple sort function right .  Maybe have your programmer face 180 degrees around.  When I sort on newest I get October 28 for the first item listed.  When I sort oldest I get August 17 as the first item.  This seems 180 degree out, thus my suggestion.  You have had problems in this area since the conversion.  Maybe have someone else give it a try.


Dennis Whitty



Suggesting a search bar in order to look for older sent emails by subject line name or key term. I waste so much time scrolling through page after page looking for old sent emails. Also, the organization options really don't help. There is not an option for date order (Jan, Feb, Mar, etc.) and it's insanely inconvenient. "Old-New" still has emails out of order due to someone clicking that email in a more recent date. I was looking for an older Christmas email and it was in between emails sent in October and September. It doesn't make any sense.
Campaign Contributor

Maybe I missed this feature, but I can't figure out a way to search past campaigns to find a past email I need to view or copy. With over 600 past campaigns, this means I have to manually scroll through hundreds of emails and often miss what I am looking for. Something as simple as being able to enter a keyword like "welcome" into a  box and get a shortlist of the emails with that in the title. Being able to serach the content of the email would be even better, since I inherited this account from a past employee and don't know her naming conventions.


Also, I can't comment anymore on the emoji string since it has been apparently closed, but wanted to add my voice to the 'emojis in the subject line' issue and request that this feature be added : )

Campaign Contributor

It is so completely difficult to have to look back page by page to find an email that has been sent or event that was hosted. Please provide a search function where we can type keywords.


Thank you

Campaign Contributor

Just posted a new thread on this...A search function is a MUST!


PLEASE for goodness sake bring back/add the search feature for campaigns. I swear you had one a while ago.  It is PAINFUL to try and find a campaign from the past and this is obviously an issues for many of us!


Thank you!


Yes PLEASE!  This feature is obviously needed based on the number of comments here.  Finding a past campaign is very difficult, and only gets worse the longer we use CC.

Marketing Legend

62 pages of comments later and this feature is still not implemented...

Marketing Legend

I've never seen a business in the business of selling and maintaining an electronic service that totally ignores its clients' needs and over a years' worth of pleas for our needs to be met.... It dumbfounds me!  Surely it's able to do this, but obviously doesn't care to do so. Not a good business plan in the long run.

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