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Display more information displayed when viewing Unsubscribed list

In the "contacts report" for "contacts unsubscribed", it would be really healpful to include the campaign that an unsubscribe came through in order better understand when and why contacts are unsubscribing. Additionaly including the "date unsubscribed" and "reason unsubscribed" would also be helpful. Adding these fields tot he report would help us to get an better birds eye view of why we are losing contacts. Only having access to these details when looking in a specific campaign limits visibility of larger patterns.


I find it helpful to see why someone has unsubscribed to our emails, however, the only place I can find that information is on the Campaign page under the campaign that the individual actually unsubscribed from.  Our company has a few people that create and mail campaigns so it can be very time consuming to find these, especially if an individual unsubscribed from an email that was sent a while ago.  It would be great if the reason they give could be associated with their email address, then when I look them up I will see that they unsubscribed, the date and also why they did so.  Thank you for your time and consideration.

Status changed to: Acknowledged

Hi @SharonS7718 


We apologize for the delay in our response but thank you for this feedback! We are updating the status of this request to add better insight into your feedback. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on the idea but should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and are continuing to collect both requests along with use case examples.


Hi @CorinaR6


You are correct, at this time the campaign a contact unsubscribed through is currently only available through the campaign reporting or the engagement tab of a specific contact's details. This is however a great feature request. We are updating the status of this request to add better insight into your feedback. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on the idea but should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and are continuing to collect both requests along with use case examples.

Status changed to: Acknowledged

The list of those unsubscribing does not include the reason (if one was given)

This would be useful


In this list, it would be helpful to include a column that shows the reason for each unsubscribe. This can be viewed when looking  at the list of contacts that unsubscribed from individuals for each individual email. It's not available as a possible field in the list linked above 



We noticed a drop in our contact list, when I looked into it I saw that we had a lot of people unscribing from our emails. 

I want to share this information with my boss, I know he is going to ask me the reasons for the customer's unsubscribing. It would be awesome to have a feature that shows everyone who has unsubscribedand why so that way I don't have to go through every single email to see the reasons. 

Even to have a pie chart and percentage of each unsubscriber's answers to give a better visual. 

Hope this is something that can be added easily, it would be so helpful for us to see so we know how to tackle our unsubscribers.

Campaign Contributor

Right now, the Import Report list of unsubscribers only provides the list of emails you fed into their system, excluding any other information provided during the import process. 


This means Constant Contact users have to go to All Contacts and fiddle with the export options, then sift through the excel document, which does not always yield the result that is needed. I have already worked with customer support through this and even they were not able to achieve the desired results.


If I provide a first and last name during the import, my Import Report of unsubscribers should include this same information.

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