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[Events 2.0] Export registrant data, Include Registration Fields in the Registrant Export

There should be a way to export the complete registration data from the Events platform.  The current method of copying the data from the screen and pasting into a spreadsheet is STUPID and far below what I have come to expect from Constant Contact.


When I create the event, all registration data should be stored in a contact list that captures ALL registration information from the registration page.

Top Answer

Exporting registrant info in full is available in Events 2.0.


I just came across this issue when trying to export a list for an event, and I can't believe there's not a way to export all fields. Now I'm going to have to go in and manually add each guest name in a spreadsheet to we can make nametags. Avoiding manual entry like that is the whole reason I used Constant Contact for this event in the first place! It's shocking that that's not an option.


Additionally, why doesn't it give you the option of using one of your pre existing email templates when you go to send an email from the events page? Another thing that should be easy to do but the functionality is just lacking.


This is truly asburd and creates so much additional work! 

Caitlin- any updates on when this might be fixed? Like mentioned above, even an Excel sheet with ALL FIELDS, as I'd be happy to delete as needed, which is much easier than copying and pasting and adding individuals one by one. 




We set up a program registration page for an event utilizing your beta program. This was not helpful for us at all. We could see and access information from individual registrations but could not download them in one spreadsheet. I spoke on the phone to one of your people who said they understand that would be a problem but could not tell me if that would be rectified going forward.

Please understand that we need that capability going forward.

Thank you,

Sandy Wheat


I agree! I contacted support for this very issue and they responded two days AFTER the event with a complete spreadsheet with the info I needed. Disappointing! 

Campaign Contributor

Oh, no,

I just read this thread and I see that it will be very time consuming to prepare my guest list for nametags. Count me among the irritated.

Status changed to: Closed - Implemented

Exporting registrant info in full is available in Events 2.0.

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