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Export responses filtered by respondent

I'm disappointed in the new Survey results format. I am unable to print out individual survey responses, except to "Export Results" which gives me a very jumbled looking Excel file (csv), that prints in a very tiny space on letter sized paper due to the table style. This is poor design. If I attempt to File-Print the view of one individual survey response, I get a print preview that doesn't supply the entire survey, and yet provides me with a repeated page three times. This is nonsensical. Am I missing something?


Hi @ClaytonChamber  we apologize for any inconvenience caused from this ability has not been carried over to our updated survey campaigns. This is however a feature request we are collecting feedback on. In fact we have merged your post into a larger thread on this idea.

Campaign Collaborator

Agreed. the new survey is awful all around. Bring back the legacy system. 


The new survey is extremely frustrating. I need to be able to save PDF versions of INDIVIDUAL responses.  I send the survey responses to the President of our company for his review.  The Excel file is all jumbled and not clear nor quick to review at all.  Please bring back the PDF option.  It is also frustrating that there is an anonymous option - we need the responses linked to our contacts in order for it to benefit our company in terms of receiving feedback from our clients.

Campaign Contributor

I am not able to secure a PDF of the individual responses to my survey.. Where is this feature? I relied upon it in the past. Also, I am not about able to PRINT the responses unless changing them to Excel. Why is that? I need each individual survey. Please help. Thanks! 


Hi @footprints at this time having the ability to export responses filtered by the individual respondent is a feature request we are currently collecting feedback on. We apologize at this time we do not have a time estimate of when this feature will be available. We have however merged your post into a larger thread focused on this idea. The more requests a thread like this receives the higher of a priority it can be given by our Product Team. As for exporting your results into a PDF we recommend sharing your need for this on it's own specific thread.

Constant Contact Partner

This is a complaint.  With the Legacy version of Survey data I used to be able to print individual results.  According to customer service the new version does not allow for that.  The rep I spoke with suggested taking a screen shot of the page.  I don't consider that to be an adequate solution.  When can we expect to be able to once again print individual results?


Hi @BarbaraO0 at this time we do not have a time estimate of when the ability to export results by respondent will be available. In the meantime we have merged your post into a larger thread on this request. We will reach out to this thread when we have any further updates.


Does anyone have a solution to making the excel results easier to read?  It was so much easier with the individual responses I could save in PDF form with the Legacy Survey.  Now the excel format is klunky and very difficult to read.


In the old survey interface, one could printout all of one respondent's answers in a "word doc" format - that read like a single page report of their responses.  Now the only option I see is an excel spreadsheet, which is terribly hard to read - particularly since I need to print out the responses one at a time and distribute them to the appropriate people (they are "reviews").  Formatting dozens of excel sheets to make them readable is not possible.  Help - please restore that function!!!


Is it safe to say, 14 months after the first comment, that this situation is still outstanding and in voting mode? If other options for reporting have been provided, please identify the links to the tutorial/article sources. Thank you! (eg. printing one client response at a time).

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