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Importing files larger then 5mb

Please up your maximum file size for attachments (documents & photos). Currently you cannot upload a file larger than 5MB to attach to an email which is extremely inconvenient when you have well-designed trainings with multiple screenshots. Even after compressing my 13 page training it was 5.7MB, still too large. A simple Gmail account allows you to upload attachments that are up to 25MB, so only allowing for 5MB is very low. It's even more frustrating because our company is only using 9% of it's total available space, so there's plenty of room available for a couple larger attachments.

Top Answer

*Updated July 2023*


We acknowledge that this particular feedback has been requested for quite a while. The current file size requirements can be quite limiting for some. We currently have some tickets open within our product and engineering teams to look at increasing file upload sizes. With further research, in our current state, if there was an allowance for a larger file size for any type of file in the library (documents and images), the images would resize to 1200px width and suppress image quality.


At this time, there are no further updates in terms of expected timelines. We'll keep you posted.


I'm ready to discontinue my Constant Contact account due to the low file size allowed. I run an international nonprofit organization with thousands of members and cannot send our monthly newsletter to them or promotional materials. This is ridiculous considering the amount of money I'm paying for a service that is supposed to make these kinds of emails easier.

Campaign Expert

80,000 email addresses.  Has to be broken down into 7 files.  I've got them uploaded but 

Import is being initialized...
THIS IS CRAZY.  I have been sitting here for 45 minutes with only a total of 2 of the 7 that have been completed.  Why is this not being addressed by Constant Contact or being taken seriously????

So nice to see that this original request was in 2016, and today the upload size is STILL only 5mb. This is still a slight struggle to download .gifs without losing quality. - Under Consideration for 7 years -

5 mb file size limits does not work for many marketers today. We need at least 20 mb.

I am an artist and I am frustrated by the resolution limitations of CC. Also, the photos get compressed too much.


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