Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Need more template options

You should have more templates for the different Holidays available or a plain text option

Constant contact's library of email templates have become very generic & limited.
Your selection of templates for retail, other than restaurants & hair salons, is almost non-existent! Very disappointed!
seems like you don't have that nor party templates
Hi, Every time I go to look for a holiday template for the holiday I need, I am unable to find it. It seems lots of them are missing from when I first started using your website for my newsletters. This time I am sending out Easter letters and tax day letters combined and am unable to find anything that fits. What am I to do??? thanks.
It would be really helpful to have more template options.

You used to have Christian templates.  I don't see any now. I searched "religious" and all I got was a bunch of non profit templates.  Please let me know where they are hiding, or please make them available again.  Thanks.

Campaign Contributor
Hi, I wan't my whole e-mail block to be left aligned, and not centered, is this possible? Thanks!
Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @AndyV776,


Yes, you should be able to left align an entire block of text. There are some exceptions to this, such as using bullets or numbered lists, which will automatically indent causing the text not to be left aligned to the block.


Is there a specific campaign you were working on that you were having this issue when using a normal text block?

Campaign Contributor

No, what I mean is, can you left align the entire block?

See picture below, I want it to appear on the left side of the screen, is this possible?


left align.png

When I started with CC several years ago, there was an ample selection of Religious templates. Now there is only one that I can find. What is going on??
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