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Redirected to Change Password

0 Votes

Could we get rid of that page that comes up to change your password every time I log in? I do not want to change the password

Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @stpaulct thanks for sharing this feedback! Our system performs several checks and balances to ensure our customer's passwords are secure, unique, and not easily guessed. Your current password could be potentially unsecure causing this prompt to appear. Do you receive this pop-up when logging in through a different browser or a private/incognito window? Does this continue to appear after updating your password?

Status changed to: Voting Open

Me too. This is rediculous and I'm about done.

Where is the answer to this question?  I, too want to get rid of the annoying warning about changing my password.  Don't want to change it.  Is there some option that can eliminate it?



Hi @PrinceWilliamC-100


Changing the password helps users to avoid getting redirected to this page every time they log in. Does this continue to appear after updating your password?

I understand the reason for changing the password, BUT our organization does not want to change the password.  My question is how to keep that prompt from coming up.  I have figured out how to bypass it on a PC, but not on my iPhone.  It is very annoying.  Can I disable the prompt???


Thank you for your help.


Hi @PrinceWilliamC-100


At this time this prompt cannot be disabled without updating your password. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Status changed to: Acknowledged

Hi all. Thank you all so much for taking the time to explain to share your feedback on this feature request. We’ve compiled and discussed much of this feedback you’ve shared internally. There are no immediate developments pertaining to this request, but we are continuing to share the feedback and use cases discussed here. We will mark this as Acknowledged and will post any updates we may hear from our teams.

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