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Unsubscribe bounces from reporting page

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There's been a new update. I used to be able to take all of my bounced "Recommended for Removal" Contacts, tag them, and then unsubscribe the whole list with just a few clicks Now I have to go into each one to unsubscribe it? What's that about? That's not helpful at all! I also can't tag my unsubscribes en masse like before. I have to go into each individual contact and tag it. Again, what's that about? Is there a new feature that I'm missing? Or did Constant Contact take a step backwards?


Hi @oyehonduras


You are correct, the options to removing bounces are to delete the contacts from your account and not unsubscribe them or delete and unsubscribe the contacts. Deleting a contact does not affect the reporting of a previously sent campaign. Their name will not be removed from the number of sends or opens. They do appear on the reporting with a strikethrough their name. Does this help fit your needs?

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