I am very frustrated by the entire process of your new product roll out and how it has impacted my ability to create and manage events. There are several things that have become inconvenient and several things that have directly impacted my ability to bring revenue in from my event.
The thing that I am most frustrated with today is that "PayPal check out as a guest" is no longer available to my customers. I understand, having talked with one of your representatives, that this requires me to go into my PayPal account to "fix that." Yet the CC Rep has no idea what I need to do within my PP account - and NOR DO I. It would seem to me that if this is a change from how it used to operate, that it would be incumbent on CC to provide detailed instructions on what I need to do to get my PP account back to where it was before CC made the change. I went into my PP account and there is no obvious button to click or setting to change that allows me back to what was status quo.
I would ask that you send me instructions in writing so I can correct this PayPal problem instead of having to use WePay which is insufficient for my use and, is going away in December, according to your rep. I cannot believe that you have left us out to figure this out on our own with no clear communication on how to fix this.