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Images not appearing in newsletters

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I am not able to see images in my newsletters today. I have tried both Safari and Google Chrome. Chrome just acts as if there were no images in the newsletter, while Safari shows empty boxes where the images should be with a question mark in the center. When I right click to open the file in a new window, the message says "Safari can't connect to the server """. Are you having a server issue today? (February 4, 2019)

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Hi @JillF812


I apologize your images are not showing correctly as they should! Are you having this experience in our editor or your a test in your email client? If you are seeing this in your test emails, what is the email client you are using? Are you using a Mac or a PC? Can you please provide a screenshot? After taking a look at your most recent campaign I was unable to have the same experience. 


While we have not received reports of our servers having issues, we have seen previous cases where images are displaying blank or with a question mark in Mac Mail/Apple Mail. In these cases we suggest safelisting Constant Contact, with special attention to adding these three as they are connected to our image database:


Please let us know if whitelisting these URLs or IP addresses helps!

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Had this issue today, with a twist: two test emails included 5 images, but when we did the actual send, 2 images were missing - no image, no box, no question mark, nada. The sent message proofs in the account don't show the two missing images, either. It's as if we never inserted them. 


0 Votes

Hi @JennyS60 


I apologize this is happening with your images! Do you have any security programs running on your computer? What email client are you viewing your emails through and browser you are working in? Also, what is the name of the campaign you're working in? After taking a look at your most recent campaigns I was unable to replicate this same experience. So having these details, along with any screenshot you may have, will allow us to troubleshoot further.

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Campaign Collaborator

I have the same problem starting about when this first message was posted, in February. I am using Microsoft Outlook 2007 and all the images in CC newsletters appear as a small box with a red X in it. I have made sure that "all images are displayed automatically" is checked in the Outlook setup menu. Something in your outgoing mail generating code must have changed then because all CC newsletters have this problem but not others.

I have disabled my AVG security for emails but that did not change anything. Please correct this!

0 Votes

Hi @DeanW93 


I apologize this is happening. Have you tried whitelisting Constant Contact? Because you are seeing this happen with all emails sent from our system, we suggest whitelisting if you have not already. Please let us know if making this change helps!

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Campaign Collaborator
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Thanks for the suggestion to white list these CC sites. However I see no place to do this in my Outlook 2007 email program. For a test I took one of your emails that has a picture in it and saved the HTML source code as Mail.html. Then I opened the file in Firefox and it grabbed the picture successfully from your website. But that does not happen in email. All I see is a small box with a red X in it. Any ideas?

0 Votes

Hi @DeanW93 


An image not displaying properly is usually caused by settings in an email client or security program. I would suggest taking a look at our article related to this. This is where you can find information related to Outlook 2007, 2010, and 2013.

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Campaign Collaborator
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Yes, I have read your article and tried everything in there. This used to work until February so something has changed.

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Hi @DeanW93 


Thank you for giving us this update! Internet Explorer has a security setting that, when enabled, prevents Outlook from displaying images. Have you tried following the steps in this article for this browser? This section is a little further down in the article under "Outlook 2007, 2010, and 2013 - Secure Images." You also mentioned this is an experience that has started recently. Is this happening with all emails received through our service or just your own? Have there been any updated to your Outlook, or the security program on your computer?

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Having the same issue for the last month. I have called different customers and checked this across multiple browsers and operating systems. It is not a setting on my computer as it is universal. When I click on preview my emails it is restricting the images as well. What has happened and can someone please elevate this. My email campaigns are about 90% of our revenue. Without them I am going to lose hundreds of thousands in sales. I can't sit and let that happen so I will need to jump from Constant contact. 

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Hi @RyanD67 


We understand how important it is for your contacts to view the images in your email correctly! You mentioned testing your campaign with another user. I apologize they are experiencing this as well. Are other customers seeing images? Have they whitelisted Constant Contact? Are the computers you've tested through on the same network?

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Today I just received another newsletter with this same identical problem. This one is from CC and the company is Stellarnet, Inc. This is what I see:

Well I tried to paste the screen shot into this message but it did not take it. The problem is the same: image shows up as a small box with a red X in it. If I run the cursor over the box it shows the long URL which starts with which is one of your sites. If I click it takes me to the correct target. What is going on with Constant Contact? You changed something because all of these newsletters used to work before ~ February.


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Hi @DeanW93 


Thank you for bringing this to our attention! I apologize you are having this experience, however images not displaying correctly tend to be a case by case basis. Are you having this experience with more than one email address? What email client are you viewing your emails? Do you have any security programs running on your computer? We have seen cases where an update in the settings of in an email client or security program can cause changes in how your email displays.  Because of this we suggest whitelisting Constant Contact.

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Campaign Contributor

Hello. I'm also having this issue, and it is kind of clear that you all aren't reading people's posts correctly. If you read the above thread, you will see: 


(CAPS FOR EMPHASIS, not yelling)

-This issue started in February
-YES, everyone has tried whitelisting Constant Contact. NO, it has not helped. 
-YES, everyone has tried everything on your webpage which addresses images not loading in newsletters. NO, it has not helped. 
-We have all reached out to users, and it is happening ACROSS ALL OPERATING SYSTEMS AND EMAIL CLIENTS, and is not limited to one client or system. 

-It is affecting every newsletter some companies send out, for all of their users. 

-THIS IS AN ISSUE WITH CONSTANT CONTACT, not with any one operating system, email client, company, country, or IT professional. 


I am noticing additional issues.

First is that newsletters are not protected in replies. I.E. TEXT IS EDITABLE, PICTURES MOVABLE, AND CONTENT CAN BE ADDED OR DELETED when a user is forwarding or replying to the newsletter. This is a serious issue for a company as it allows a client to change the text of an offer or coupon, and then claim the company made an error in sending an email out. 

Second, if images are not loading for a user, the LINKS in that email also WILL NOT WORK. They need to be ctrl+clicked, as if in an editing mode. 

It's also pretty clear that unless you all recognize that it is a CC issue and find a way to resolve it, you are going to start losing clients very quickly. 

I look forward to your response.

0 Votes


Thank you for reaching out to the Community! I apologize for ongoing issues with images not loading properly in your newsletters. We know images are important to your campaigns and we do appreciate the troubleshooting efforts you have put into trying to ensure your images do display properly.


I contacted our advanced technical support team and they welcome the chance to work directly with you, troubleshooting with you in your account.

As a heads up they will need you to share the name of a specific campaign, name of a specific image, specific contact, an example of email client, and a bit of information of what happens when trying to click to see images.


In regard to your reference to the content of newsletters not being protected in replies, Constant Contact does not have a way to control the email campaign once it has left our servers and landed in an inbox. Clicking reply or forward allows for the original message to be altered regardless of what system originally sent it. But if you do have crucial content such as a coupon one option would be to save it as an image so that it could not be altered through a reply or forward.

An advanced technical support representative will be reaching out within four business days using the contact email and phone number in your account to further assist you with issues concerning missing images. If you wish to be contacted by an alternate means, email your preferences to social_support(at)constantcontact(dot)com and we will pass information along to the correct team member.

Mary S.
Community & Social Media Support

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Campaign Collaborator
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NO none of your solutions worked ! This is an ongoing problem for many people now and YOU are NOT fixing it!

May Constant Contact ROT in hell. I hope you lose all your business to a company that FIXES their problems!


Quote of message today from annetted11:


I am also having this issue, and it's kind of clear that you all aren't reading people's posts correctly. If you read above you will see:


-This issue started in February. 

-YES, /we have all tried white listing constant contact/. NO. It did not help. 
-We have tried everything on your web page which addresses the issues of images not showing. It did not work. 
-We have spoken to MANY USERS who use MANY DIFFERENT OPERATING SYSTEMS AND EMAIL CLIENTS and NONE of them are working. "
-This is happening with EVERY email newsletter that is being sent out. 

You all need to admit the problem is on your end or you are going to lose a LOT of customers very quickly. 

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Thank you for reaching out to the Community! I apologize for ongoing issues with images not loading properly in newsletters that you are receiving. And I can see that you have done extensive troubleshooting regarding the issue. We do appreciate your efforts and time.


I contacted our advanced technical support team and they welcome the chance to directly troubleshoot with you.


As a heads up they will need you to share the name of an account, specific campaign, name of a specific image, an example of email client, and a bit of information of what happens when trying to click to see images.

 An advanced technical support representative will be reaching out within four business days using the contact email and phone number in your account to further troubleshoot with issues concerning missing images. If you wish to be contacted by an alternate means, email your preferences to social_support(at)constantcontact(dot)com and we will pass information along to the correct team member.

Mary S.
Community & Social Media Support

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Campaign Collaborator

Mary S.,

No one ever contacted me from your "Advanced Technical Support" group so I still have the same problem!! Your customer service is very, very poor. This problem has now been going on for 7 months. Totally unacceptable.


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Hi @DeanW93 


I apologize this is the experience you've had to-date. This is definitely not the experience we want our users to have. If you can please email us at social_support(at)constantcontact(dot)com with your username and a reference to this post I would be happy to look into this further for you!

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We are also having issues with images not appearing. Our clients' emails have displayed images in the past however that isn't the case now.  seems to be a better option. In an effort to want to cut through the chase, going with the competition may be an easier solution. 

0 Votes

Hi @RachelP8610 


Thank you for reaching out about your emails! Making sure your contacts select to have images display is always a great first step. Have you have them whitelist Constant Contact as well? Doing this is an important step to take as some of the provided links are connected to our image database. 


With that said we would like to collect a few more details on what your contacts are experiencing. For instance, is this happening for more than one contact or on more than one computer/email client? Are the images visible in the editor or a test send? Are you unable to see all images or just certain images? Having examples of these images also helpful to determine if they are hosted in the Library, or hosted through a third-party. Also, what email client is this email being viewed through? Or is it being viewed through a web-based client?

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I am also having the same issue. They appear to work in "preview" but when I "Send Test", the email where the images should be are big blank boxes.

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Hi @AmandaC4153 


I apologize you too are having this experience! Have you tried the suggested workaround of whitelisting Constant Contact? I also would suggest providing us with some of the details previously requested in this thread:


  • What email client is this email being viewed through?

  • Is this happening for more than one contact or on more than one computer/email client?

  • Are you unable to see all images or just certain images?

  • Are these images hosted in the Library, or hosted through a third-party?



This is all helpful information needed to troubleshoot further.

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I'm having this issue as well. I've tried everything off your support site with adjusting security settings within the email client.


I have two users in our domain using Outlook 2013 having this same issue. We are able to click on the links within the email but the images that are attached to the hyperlinks do not display. I have added a screenshot for clarification.


I've opened other newsletters that are sent from other companies with the same basic formatting (images attached to hyperlinks) and they open fine and the images are displayed. I believe this to be some sort of Constant Contact issue.


I've looked in our Exchange Server for any thing related to the issue, added your domains to our whitelist, and nothing worked. This issue started today. Last week they sent out an EBlast and no issues were present.


dougccissue (2).PNG

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