Hello @mrytz29 ,
In my opinion, the easiest way to go about what you're doing would be to setup a lead generation landing page. Once you've published it, you can add its share URL to your weekly email as a button or some other obviously labeled method, to direct your weekly contacts' attention to it.
The form itself can be extremely basic, only requiring the contacts' email address to confirm before submitting. This way it streamlines the contact adding themselves to the list, and being able to start receiving them right away.
Another option, if your account plan has access to it, would be to use click segmentation. Create a custom landing page, with a simply "Thank you for confirming" message, and link to that in your email with click segmentation activated for the daily list. This would streamline the process even further, as all it requires is the contact to click a link, without having to confirm and submit their email address for the sign-up form. The drawback however, would be that this method may also be triggered if any of your contacts use bot programs to check for malware by downloading images and clicking links. Thus, this could potentially cause them to be added to the list without explicitly choosing to.
William A
Community & Social Media Support