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[See Top Answer] Invisible Bulleted / Numbered Lists in Editors

Campaign Expert

Hi - as of, I believe, yesterday, my CC campaigns are not displaying the bullets in bulleted lists. This draft had bullets in it when it was first created on 3/17, and the bullets are now invisible even though the text is still indicated as being bulleted. See below - the indented text should be (and was) bulleted, and the double-indented text should be too. Any workarounds for this bug?



Top Answer

Hello @AdamH287 ,


This is a known issue the devs are looking into. I've tracked the issue to your account so if and when the issue is resolved, they'll notify you directly. At this time, we don't have an ETA from the devs on a fix.


In the meantime, as you noted, this only affects the editor view, but not the preview or sent/published versions of campaigns. The issue itself seems tied to the newer navigation and UI layout. If you click on your logo, and toggle off the New experience, you should be able to see the bullets / numbers as expected. 


new experience toggle.png

Campaign Expert

Upon testing: bullets DO display correctly in preview and in a test send, so this issue isn't exactly urgent, but it is definitely some kind of bug in the editor! Using Chrome.

0 Votes

Hello @AdamH287 ,


This is a known issue the devs are looking into. I've tracked the issue to your account so if and when the issue is resolved, they'll notify you directly. At this time, we don't have an ETA from the devs on a fix.


In the meantime, as you noted, this only affects the editor view, but not the preview or sent/published versions of campaigns. The issue itself seems tied to the newer navigation and UI layout. If you click on your logo, and toggle off the New experience, you should be able to see the bullets / numbers as expected. 


new experience toggle.png

William A
Community & Social Media Support
Campaign Expert

Thank you for posting this because it was driving me crazy! I have toggled off the "new experience" for now until it's fixed.  @William_A will you be notifying us when it's fixed so we can turn the new experience back on?

Campaign Collaborator
0 Votes

I'm working on an emailer and for the first time the bullets are not working. It simply indents and there is no visible bullet there. Is this a bug?





@MaryW15266 and @SmithLife ,


We'll be merging new posts on the topic into this thread to keep everything in one area. Our team will make sure any new or merged posts will be turned into cases, and have the applicable issue tracked to their accounts. When the devs have an update regarding the issue, they'll email account owners directly.


If and when our team receives an update, we will update this thread accordingly. For additional info, please see the Top Answer

William A
Community & Social Media Support
Brand Visionary
0 Votes

Bullets don't display in the edit view and in preview there are extra bullets in the spaces between the lines 



Brand Visionary
0 Votes

The bullet function isn't working for me either.  It automatically indents the list, but doesn't add any bullets.

0 Votes

Hello @RebeccaS6 ,


I've moved your comment from the 2022 thread, as it was not related to the current issue. The issue has been tracked to your account. See the Top Answer of this thread for further insight regarding the bullet display issue.

William A
Community & Social Media Support
0 Votes

Hello @JoeVic ,


The extra bullets are from you adding spaces between the bullet points. Bulleted lists do not have line breaks, so those are just blank bullet points in your email. The bullet display issue has been tracked to your account. See the Top Answer for full insight on the current issue.

William A
Community & Social Media Support
Campaign Collaborator
0 Votes

Thank you for posting this... I am experiencing the same issue. Appreciate the response.

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