Events 2.0 Beta lacks the ability to change the Payment Status or the number of tickets or items.
Scenario: Registrant selects two of three available tickets and payment by check. After registration, the registrant wishes to purchase the third ticket and sends a check for three tickets. Event administration receives the check and cannot change the Payment Status from Pending to Paid or add the third ticket to the registration.
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This deficiency continues in Events 2.0 Beta. Although the event administrator is able to edit the Registration form fields, we are still unable to change the number of tickets, and Registration or Payment Status.
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Perhaps the Administrator would care to address my reply above, specifically.... The event settings: Basics > Optional features > "Allow registrants to join my contact list" is unchecked/disabled, thereby disallowing any additions and (arguably) changes to any contact list. Therefore, the event sign-up or registration is not a "sign-up form" with this settings option disabled.
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Events 2.0 lacks the ability to edit event registration payment information, i.e., make changes to Payment Method (e.g., from Check to At The Door), Payment Status (e.g., mark paid when a check is received), or change payment amount. Legacy Events flawlessly handled these changes necessary to properly manage event payments...
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Events should have the ability for registrants to conveniently edit, update, or change their registration within Constant Contact without the need to contact a CC administrator, e.g., to correct any errors made during the initial registration as seen in the registration confirmation email.
This is a common feature available on other event registration platforms. By providing a link in the registration confirmation email to the event registration form populated with the initial registration information, registrants may edit or update their registration.
The focus of online registration should be to make the registration process as accessible as possible without the inconvenience of calling or emailing to make changes.
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Unlike Legacy Events, Events 2.0 Beta Registration Confirmation email is missing the custom fields filled out during registration - therefore registrant cannot fully check the accuracy of their registration.
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In the Registration form setup > Collect info for: "Each Attendee" does not allow for the capture of more than one attendee. Scenario: During registration, you select two tickets. The form appears and allows for only one First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and custom fields, not one for each of the two attendees. If "Collect info for: Each Attendee" is indeed to collect data for each attendee then the form should include all fields including names and email addresses of each attendee. The "Form setup" is still not working - @Caitlin_M notes: "fields are not saving appropriately as you toggle back and forth between ticket types."
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Your assertion "This isn't something that can really be controlled" directly contradicts a Constant Contact level 2 tech support, who during a recent telephone call acknowledged this issue as a known bug and logged it as such. The event invitations are sent to a contact list created (uploading) by the administrator and not a sign-up form lists. We do not use and never have used sign-up forms to affect or create contact lists. The event settings: Basics > Optional features > "Allow registrants to join my contact list" is unchecked/disabled, thereby disallowing any additions and (arguably) changes to any contact list. Therefore, the event sign-up or registration is not a "sign-up form" with this settings option disabled.
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Existing Contact's information including first and last names are being changed in Constant Contacts when contacts register for an event.
Scenario: John Smith registers for an event, misspelling his name Jonh Smtih. His Constant Contact Contact record changes to Jonh Smtih and subsequent email campaigns and event invitations with his name inserted will appear as Jonh Smtih.
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In Event > Reporting, when selecting all Registrants, the Action is blank – unable to edit the registration status, i.e., from Registered to Canceled.
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When composing an Event email, if you delete the “Event” block and then reinsert it in the email, the block is blank – no Event Title, Description, etc.
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@dcrhoa86 wrote: There should be a way to export the complete registration data from the Events platform. The current method of copying the data from the screen and pasting into a spreadsheet is STUPID and far below what I have come to expect from Constant Contact. When I create the event, all registration data should be stored in a contact list that captures ALL registration information from the registration page. FYI: I see they add an "Export" button to Events 2.0 Beta Registrants Reporting. However, it only exports the data shown in the grid below (duh) and fails to capture all the registration data, i.e., Registration form fields. We need to export all the registration data like in Legacy Events.
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Caitlin: I understand there is no option to opt out of Events 2.0 Beta and return to Legacy Events while you work on further developing this beta version. For many of us who require a reliable event management solution, a half-baked Events 2.0 Beta with no committed date on the launch of a fully functioning application is unsettling, and frankly a breach of trust. One could question if the services we have come to expect (and pay for) are being adequately rendered.
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Clarification: If you have more than two tickets, you cannot select different fields for each ticket, for example: Ticket 1 includes Registration form fields: Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Ticket 2 includes Registration form fields: Field 1 Field 3 Field 4 Ticket 3 includes Registration form fields: Field 1 Field 2 Field 5 Ticket 4 includes Registration form fields: Field 1 Field 3 Field 4 The Show and Hide option does not work to select the desired fields for each of the three tickets. How do you configure the Registration form fields in the scenario above?
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Thank you, Caitlin. I know how to set up the additional fields to the registration form. However, if you have more than three tickets, you cannot select different fields for each ticket. The matter of Legacy Events functionality is unrelated to the issue at hand in Event2 2.0 Beta.
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Events 2.0 Registration form setup > Beta Specific Ticket Types lack full customization and need additional work.
Scenario: You have three tickets and need different Registration form fields for each ticket. The Show and Hide option does not work to select the desired fields for each of the three tickets. Legacy Events properly handled this customization.
Also, we need to be able to add fields to the Contact Information section, not just First name, Last name, and Email address.
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Agree. There must be a way to export the Events 2.0 Beta registration list like with legacy events. Not all Registration form fields appear on the Registrants list - and a workaround by opening each registration to view form fields is not a viable option. Also, the Actions option on Registrants list is not working, i.e., unable to change Registration Status and Payment Status, and there's no way to cancel a registration. Events 2.0 Beta is not ready for prime time. Send it back to Alpha and give us back Legacy Events - at least it's (somewhat) functional.
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Non-responders are those who have not yet registered, canceled a registration or declined an event. The system does know who's invited to the event from recipients of "the first email invitation scheduled to send." Furthermore, the option to create an email to non-responders is not available until after the first invitation is sent. This option should be available after the first invitation is scheduled to send. Think of managing several dozen events over the course of several months. Ideally, you would create all the events and schedule the first email invitations to send approximately 6-8 weeks prior to the event. In the meantime, the events appear on your calendar and people register ahead of the email invitation. They should not be sent an invitation to an event they are already registered to attend.
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After creating an event and before the first email invitation is scheduled to send, the event received several registrations. When the first email invitations were sent, all registrants received the first email invitation. There should be a way to prevent email invitations from being sent to event registrants. It's understood how the "Send email only to: Non-responders" works. However, the Non-responders option is unavailable until the first invitation is sent.
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The Contact's Details > Engagement is great for tracking email campaign sends and opens. However, it lacks event-related tracking such as event registrations, cancellations, and declines. This is yet enough example of the deficiencies in event functionality that frankly fails short of expectations and is not meeting our needs.
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Seven years later and this deficiency has not been addressed. We need a way to fully edit the event registrations including the guest's details. Scenario: A registrant includes a guest in registration but later wants to cancel just the guest - this cannot be done; you can only change the guest's name (if you delete the guest's name, it auto-fills with "Guest1." You must cancel the registration and re-register the registrant - a real pain.
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To space out email campaigns (as not to flood contacts' inboxes), it would be helpful to include scheduled campaigns and event emails on the Calendar.
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Rethink the Reporting and Results feature. Instead of requiring users to manually generate Event Reporting or Survey Export Results functions, the data could be web-accessible, with permissions, of course, or pushed in scheduled email messages.
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When editing the event registrant details, you are unable to add a guest to the registration, if one was not included during the initial event registration.
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No, I'm referring to actively sharing in real-time the reports that are generated in Reporting, e.g., the results of a survey or RSVPs for an event.
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There should be an easy way to share Detailed Event Reports (and Survey results) in realtime. The current process in not festible, i.e., Export report, share downloaded file or upload to Google Drive and share link.
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