Introduce Yourself to the Community


Welcome to the Constant Contact Community! We are thrilled to have you here. Our goal is to provide you with new ideas, valuable marketing insights, and helpful advice to drive results for your business through your Constant Contact account.


Whether you're a newcomer or a seasoned member, we want to get to know you better. Please introduce yourself and share a bit about your role and what you hope to gain from being a part of this community.


  • What is your name?
  • Tell us about your small business or nonprofit and the work you do there.
  • What do you enjoy most about running your own business or nonprofit organization?
  • Share any fun passions or areas of interest, even if they’re not directly related to your marketing endeavors!


We’re excited to connect with each and every one of you!


After you’ve shared a bit about yourself, you might be thinking… What's next? We’ve got you covered.

Elevate your marketing with Constant Contact's Professional Design Services! From eye-catching email templates to custom branding and social media graphics, our professional design services are tailored to boost your business's impact and engagement.


Allow me to break the ice and introduce myself. Hi! You can call me Nick and I’m the Social Media & Content Manager for the Constant Contact Community. I’ve been with Constant Contact for over 8 years now and managing content here for most of that time. I actually started with our phone support department!


While I don't have a business of my own, one of the most rewarding aspects of working for Constant Contact is the opportunity to learn about and assist small businesses and nonprofit organizations that utilize our product. It's truly humbling to gain insight into the hard work and dedication that goes into bringing your ambitions to fruition.


When I’m not at work, I’m usually still in front of a screen. I’m a budding digital artist in my spare time. I try to rejuvenate my fried eyeballs with leisurely nature walks and hiking. I’ve also taken up rock climbing in recent years and mostly rely on my long, gangly arms to circumvent the carefully laid out routes.


And, I’m happy to say, my wife and I welcomed our first child in late 2023 and he’s been such a bundle of joy I really don’t care that I’ve barely slept in months. Really. Seriously…


I’m excited to hear from all of you and learn more about your unique stories and experiences!

Elevate your marketing with Constant Contact's Professional Design Services! From eye-catching email templates to custom branding and social media graphics, our professional design services are tailored to boost your business's impact and engagement.


Hi Nick,

I'm Moustapha, a new comer here at Constant Contact. I just started an online store on Shopify that sells diverse products in various niches such as home decor, fitness, electronics, cosmetics, gifts etc... I wanted to reach most people by having multiple different products, hoping that when someone visits my store online, they will see multiple stuff they like and hopefully make a purchase. 

I opened the store just 2 weeks ago, around the 13th of March, and so far 0 sale. lol 😂. I signed up here to get help with the email marketing, and any other help I can get from you to get me some sales.

I have a full time job as a Quality Assurance Specialist for a chemical manufacturing company, and I am currently on short-term disability, hence I have  lots of time to put into this business before I go back to my 9-5 job. 

Okay, I think I said enough about me, thanks and hoping to benefit from any help I can get. 

Thank you!


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Welcome @L091900! Keep strong and carry on. If it were easy, everyone would do it. Be sure to check out our getting-started guides.

Exciting news! Announcing our latest offering, Campaign Builder. Create stunning email campaigns effortlessly and efficiently with our intuitive tool!


"Thanks" for saying "Hello" -- I'm new at this but have a "Great" New Method for helping all players struggling with the Golf Swing. The new method is called "Golf Archery Method" and I'm quite sure it's going to be around for quite some time! -- Of course everyone knows the principle but it's never been applied to Golf in the way I've discovered. -- I'm a research fellow and have studied the swing for "many moons!" -- Frankly, the Golf Archery Method ("GAM") can be learned and put in play in "Less Than A Minute" and offers options for Smart Shot-Making that should have been discovered long before now. -- But, such as it is, it took "millennia" to discover the Earth is Round and why should it be any different in coming to terms with the elegant simplicity involved in golf! -- In short: I hope folks new in golf and "all" struggling players will visit and start to improve "Immediately!" -- As Bobby Jones Said: "Golf is much more fun when played well". -- And that's what the Golf Archery Method can do in "No Time!" -- Believe it or not, "Every Word" in this message is true. --Dominick Esposito, PhD, Founder of Golf Archery Method, Former Head Teaching Coach, St. John's University.

Campaign Collaborator

Hello my name is Michelle Barann and I'd love to help children with their trauma with cooking,meditation,  gym, and prayer therapy school. . I'd love to help these innocent children with the way they adjust to their trauma and to face everything they avoid Is therapy helps ensure confidence with courage and coping skills . I'll ensure these children get the love and comfort they need to surviv wiith an empathetic setting which  includes a cooking school, a church , gym  with meditation and trauma therapy. Prayer is extremely important to make a difference in this world And helping innocent children Overcome trauma with all of my love and care.  Sincerely, Maiden Michelle Barann 

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Welcome @MaidenMichelleBarann what a great cause to dedicate yourself to! 

Exciting news! Announcing our latest offering, Campaign Builder. Create stunning email campaigns effortlessly and efficiently with our intuitive tool!


Hello Nick,

I'm Tom and I'm the Adjutant for the Phoenix Chapter #1 of the Disabled American Veterans. The Chapter has been around since 1920 and I've been a life member of Chapter 1 for 24 years. I followed a very dedicated person into this role who was very adept in digital marketing and social media platforms. I am unfortunately quite a novice in this regard. I work on computers well over the standard 2,080 hours a year but I don't spend much time in the social spaces. My goal for the chapter is bringing it to the forefront of the Veteran Community in the Phoenix Metro area. I don't have the faintest idea how to get us there but I am willing to try. I have a family, a full time job and I'm remodeling a house right now so, my time is precious and there is little of it that I can spare. I know, that's a LOT. 

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That's a wonderful cause @Wiz13, and major props to you for being so dedicated. I recommend starting here for some great articles and videos on getting started. Let us know if there's anything else we can do to help.

Exciting news! Announcing our latest offering, Campaign Builder. Create stunning email campaigns effortlessly and efficiently with our intuitive tool!

Campaign Collaborator

Hey there Nick, how are you? Hi, I'm Olivia, a newcomer here at Constant Contact. I've recently launched an ecommerce store using AliDropship on WordPress. I'm also the founder of Panache Luxury Furniture Store, an ecommerce business I started back in 2017. Balancing a full-time job at Butterball LLC and working towards completing my BA degree in computer science and engineering by December 2024, I've realized that I no longer want to work for someone else. Instead, I want to work for myself, support my family, and enjoy my freedom and time with loved ones and friends.


My business is currently worth a 4-digit figure, and that reason being I wasn't solely focused on the business, so it got pushed back. However, I eventually realized that it was time for a change, and change can be good. Although I try to be patient and not think too badly of my business's worth, I have hope that it will grow with time. Because my goal is to increase my monthly earnings, so that I can quit my job fully and focus on serving my customers. I've already built a solid foundation in marketing, which has helped me accumulate a business worth 4 digits. With tools like Constant Contact, I know I can expand and grow Panache Luxury even further. Working for myself and depending on myself will be a humbling and refreshing experience. I'm excited about the journey ahead and the satisfaction of knowing how far I've come and how much I can achieve on my own terms. 


And when it's not all about business and money, it's time for family—a loving time that I cherish the most. My family includes myself, my baby brother, my mommy, and our Frenchie baby. I love spending time with them, doing practically anything, but especially enjoy cooking, having movie dinners, and shopping when we get the chance. We're mostly homebodies, so I truly appreciate the moments when we get out to feel the sun. It's also a time when I can meditate and unwind. Hah! Oh well...


Wishing you all the best for success and prosperity in your endeavors. May your sales soar and bring you joy and fulfillment in every way!✌️🙏😉💛

Olivia D.
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Hi Olivia! Thank you for sharing so much about your personal journey to build your business. I think most dream about working for themselves, but not everyone takes the chance.


But don't feel like you're going at it alone. The Community is here for you! If you ever have a product support question or want to ask for marketing advice, visit our Questions & Discussions board. If you're working on an email template and want to get feedback from Constant Contact experts and users, check out Template Feedback.


Plus, we have the New Customer Hub that covers everything from setting up your account to send your first email. Plus, webinars, on-demand tutorials, and more!


As a relatively new father, I also can appreciate cherishing the precious moments with family. There are a lot of moving parts to running a business, but I highly recommend checking out all the automation options we have to offer so that you can set it up once and let it work for you while you spend more time in the sun!

Elevate your marketing with Constant Contact's Professional Design Services! From eye-catching email templates to custom branding and social media graphics, our professional design services are tailored to boost your business's impact and engagement.


HI. My name is Lorraine MItchell


I have been running a free self help website for over 10 years driven by what my horse taught me and my passion to work with horses and people doing Equine Assisted Learning. 

I lost my horse in 2017 and with her I thought my chance of achieving my dream. When a year or so later my husbands "bad back" was found to be a serious illness and he was recognised as disabled. I became his full time carer and with health problems of my own, I could see no way I would ever achieve my dream.

Last year all that changed when I discovered Pete Cohen, Bob Proctor and Dr Joe Dispenza. The things I learned from them changed my life. I was given good support and advice and in February this year I turned my hobby website into a Charitable Company. Dolly Communication CIC. I couldn't afford the horses to do the EAL but planned to sell on-line courses. I qualified as a life coach and am writing a self help book. "Change your MIndset to Change your LIfe". Things are taking too long, so this month I got insurance and paid my subscription to the MCA who certified my life coaching and now I am Launching myself as an Empowerment and Mindset Coach. 

My husband and I are still on benefits until I retire next April so all the money I earn will go into the business until I can be sure that I can afford to keep the four horses I dream of for at least 6 months. Once I know I can do that I will start looking for a yard to set up the Dolly Communication Equine Assisted Development Centre, find suitable therapy horses ( non ridden) and start to bond with them and let them settle in before I start doing mindfullness and energy work with them. 

I am still working on the book and the course and sidetracked into a level two Digital Marketing course because I knew I needed the skills. I guess I am wasting time and money now because it looks like Constant Contact can help me with what I need. 

Thank you Constant Contact!

I would like to pay a years subscription before my 30 day trial runs out, so that will probably come out of my first paying client. 

Now I need an email list. 

Thank you Constant Contact I'm hoping my social media campaigns will bring in those first paying clients.

I forgot to mention my horse was called Dolly and I am 65 years old. I intend to make Dolly Communications Equine Assisted Development a name that will not fade. I have seen so many EAL businesses rely on charity hand outs for working with children and disappear after a few years. I have always wanted to help adults like myself, who grew up with no self-confidence, no self-worth, and have never achieved their passion. I believe we all have a calling in life and until we find it and follow it, we will never be truly happy. 

I want to help people find their passion and their inner power to follow their dreams. It's never too late. If you do what you love you will never work again.

Thank you for reading



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Hi Lorraine!


I am a big believer in following your dreams. It's exciting that you're putting all this time and attention into it. And y'know, horses are cool!


The Community is here to help you. If you ever have a support question or want to ask for marketing advice, visit our Questions & Discussions board. If you're working on an email template and want to get feedback from Constant Contact experts and users, check out Template Feedback.


Plus, we have the New Customer Hub that covers everything from setting up your account to send your first email. Plus, webinars, on-demand tutorials, and more!


Additionally, I've made note that you're interested in upgrading your account and have forwarded your account information to our Sales team. They will review and follow up with you. Welcome to Constant Contact!

Elevate your marketing with Constant Contact's Professional Design Services! From eye-catching email templates to custom branding and social media graphics, our professional design services are tailored to boost your business's impact and engagement.

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"Welcome to the Global Village Festival, where cultures unite and diversity shines! We're excited to invite you to be a part of this extraordinary celebration of unity, culture, and community.


At the Global Village Festival, we believe in the power of diversity to enrich our lives and strengthen our connections with one another. That's why we're bringing together people from all walks of life to share their traditions, stories, and talents in a colorful tapestry of cultural exchange.


As a vendor, sponsor, or performer at the Global Village Festival, you'll have the opportunity to showcase your unique heritage, products, or talents to a diverse audience of thousands. Whether you're offering delicious cuisine from around the world, handmade crafts reflecting your cultural heritage, or captivating performances that celebrate diversity, there's a place for you at our festival.


Join us in creating a global village where differences are celebrated, connections are forged, and memories are made. Together, let's make the Global Village Festival an unforgettable experience that celebrates the richness of our world's cultures and the beauty of our shared humanity."

Campaign Contributor

Hi, my name is Patti.  I'm a health and wellness professional focusing on food and nutrition as medicine and very passionate about helping people achieve optimal health and well-being in ways that are best for them.  I've been operating my own business now for the past 20+ years and feel blessed that God has sustained me this long.  The work I do is my purpose and my ministry.  I'm also passionate about learning everthing I can about  how nutrition affects and heals our bodies - physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  


When I have the opportunity, I thoroughly enjoy travelling, sports, and expressing my creativity through art, interior design, and fashion.  I love the outdoors, and enjoy long walks on the beach or whereever my legs and feet carry me.


I'm looking to grow my business on line and become a bit more savvy and comfortable with using social media for business purposes primarily.


Hi @DrPatti-longlife 


It's great to meet someone dedicated to helping others find their path to optimal health and well-being. 😀 It's awe-inspiring you've been able to sustain your business for over 20 years — a true testament to your commitment and the impact you've made on the lives of your clients!


It's also refreshing to hear about your diverse interests outside of work. Wishing you all the best in your business endeavors and personal pursuits. 




Exciting news! Announcing our latest offering, Campaign Builder. Create stunning email campaigns effortlessly and efficiently with our intuitive tool!

Campaign Collaborator

Hello everyone my name is Kendra I'm new to marketing but I love the idea of it so I thought if I could ask you guys a question you might get offer me some help. Okay here goes My daughter is a 10-year-old and her friend is as well they are amazing at basketball like they have won the past three county championships the past 3 years Even though these two girls that are fourth graders have played up on the 5th grade team they're amazing they beat all the fifth graders they're just that good My daughter says that she wants to be professional one day and I tell her if she keeps grinding baby you can do it but the thing is you see where we come from we don't really make a lot of money and I am on disability cuz I have multiple autoimmune disorders we need some help and I know the community loves her they come out and watch her play ball I need to know how to get the word out there to ask for help if anybody would like to sponsor her What can I do and showcase some videos of her shots and her and her friend both of them I'd like to put both of them together does anybody have any information to offer me Thank you very much.

0 Votes

Welcome @KendraH067 

Welcome to the community! It's great to hear about your daughter and her friend's incredible talent and dedication to basketball. It sounds like they have a bright future ahead of them! 🏀


I completely understand your desire to support your daughter's dreams. It's wonderful to see the community rallying behind her, and I'm sure many people would be eager to support her journey.


To get the word out and find sponsors, here are a few suggestions:

  1. Use social media: share videos and photos of her playing basketball on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Use hashtags relevant to basketball and sponsorship opportunities to reach a wider audience.
  2. Reach out to local businesses: approach local businesses, especially those with ties to sports or community involvement, and explain your daughter's situation. They may be willing to sponsor talented young athletes in their community.
  3. Start a crowdfunding campaign: consider creating a crowdfunding campaign on platforms like GoFundMe or Kickstarter. Share your story and explain how the funds will help support your daughter's basketball journey.

Your daughter's determination and talent deserve to be recognized and supported, and I'm confident that with the help of the community, you'll be able to find the support she needs.



Exciting news! Announcing our latest offering, Campaign Builder. Create stunning email campaigns effortlessly and efficiently with our intuitive tool!


HI. My nickname is Melon... from Mary Ellen. Last name is Dash (really). For over 40 years I've had a swimming school only for adults who are afraid in water. Adults overcome their fear and become able to be peaceful in deep water in a few weeks. We're in Florida now and we have a few other locations nationally. Miracle Swimming.


I've been a Constant Contact client for years. Decades?  It allows me to be in touch in a personal way to all my mailing lists. I can count on it. I appreciate the customer service, too.


What do I like most about my business? It works where all else fails. It feels good to be a leader, to have reliable answers, to see our students thrilled every time we teach a course.


When I'm not at work--which is rare--I'm in my yard, at the beach, outside somewhere or SCUBA diving.


Nick, I like the way you wrote your introduction.



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Welcome @user0485!


Thank you for reaching out and sharing your inspiring story! It's wonderful to hear about your dedication to helping adults overcome their fear of water through Miracle Swimming. 


We're delighted to hear that Constant Contact has been a valuable tool for you in staying connected with your mailing lists and providing that personal touch to your communication efforts. Our team takes great pride in providing reliable service and excellent customer support, so it's heartening to know that you appreciate it.


Being a leader in your field and witnessing the transformation of your students must be incredibly rewarding.


If you ever have any questions or need assistance with Constant Contact, feel free to reach out. We're here to support you every step of the way.

Exciting news! Announcing our latest offering, Campaign Builder. Create stunning email campaigns effortlessly and efficiently with our intuitive tool!

Community Coach
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Love your nickname. Your swimming school sounds super cool! Congratulations on 40+ years of success!

Melanie Diehl

Melanie & co Marketing Collective

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Note: I am not a Constant Contact employee.

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