Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Ability to set all survey responses be Anonymous

0 Votes

Dear Constant Contact


I am a Labor Union Organization.  As such, membership is required to vote on various things.  Most can be open/public, meaning, one can see how one voted like you can in your survey application.  However, during elections, voting must be done by secret ballot.


My request-suggestion that might attract more organizations to join your enterprise is within your SURVEY application, to be able to customize to call it VOTING or POLLING and to allow secret voting.


Thank you for your time and efforts.


Top Answer

Hi everyone,


We're updating the status of this idea to more accurately reflect the status of the idea with our engineering team. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on the idea but should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and are continuing to collect both requests along with use case examples. 

Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @FirstNameL66439. I apologize that this reply is a bit delayed. You can create a survey and control its anonymity for voting in your organization. Although it will show as a survey in your account, you can customize it to your liking and include the information needed for the secret ballot. If it is distributed using the steps in the attached link, you can review reporting without knowing how each person voted. Is this what you were looking for?

Thank you for the reply.  I am already doing what you speak of.  The issue is when it comes to election of persons (officers) it must be by secret ballot, but also need to ensure no one is loading the ballot box, one person, one vote.


The admin of the survey must ensure only authorized persons only cast one vote, but at the same time they must not see how that person voted.  They must not be able to see individual answers but ensure the targeted email receiptant only votes once (1).  I hope this explains what I would like to see in future version in Constant Contact.  Feel free to contact me.


Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @FirstNameL66439. Those are excellent points and thank you so much for providing them. It's very helpful. I'll open this up for voting and for additional commentary from our customers. 

Campaign Contributor

I agree that this capability would be very useful. 
Our contact list has separate mailing lists for members only and for general public distribution.
A voting ballot type campaign email would be sent only to members.  Responses should be allowed only once from each member, so that multiple voting can't take place.  Reports should not show who voted for whom.  
Voting choices for each office or item should allow a defined(selectable) number choices, and a defined(selectable) number of 'write-in' choices.
An office election for example:  Person 1;  Person 2; Person 3; Person 4; or Write-in Person.
An item survey for example:  Defined Item 1; Defined Item 2;  Write-in Item A; Write-in Item B; Write-in item C;


I agree that this would be a great addition and something we would definitely want to use for our Board elections. One vote per person and anonymous. 


So, is it not possible to have a secure, anonymous, one-person/one-vote election in CC? In the beginning of this thread it sounded like there was, but confidence dropped the more I read. Ending with, "I'll open this up for voting." Which, by the way I tried to find to vote on. Couldn't.


We have the need to elect a board of directors. We used to use Survey Monkey for this process but that was before we used CC for our newsletters and other emails. I was hoping to be able to do this under CC as we are already paying for it.


Unless someone says different, it still looks like we will need to pay for SM for a month to accomplish this goal.


Please confirm. Thank you!


Since legacy is being retired, is there any movement on adding this functionality to the new Surveys?  1 vote per contact in a list or segment, and keep anonymous?

Campaign Contributor

We've been using  for the actual voting and inserting a Click Button link to it in our ConstantContact email.  It is a great program.  The free version of  is limited to a small number of fields, so its for a limited number of questions.  In we've included a field for name (to help limit to 1/person), and then stated that that would be stripped off any reporting.  That also allowed us to include additional questions, like "suggestions for future programs" that need to be associated to a name.


Since we're already paying for CC it would be nicer if the features listed above were possible here. 
So my Vote is for CC to add the ability to designate a given survey question as  "one-response-per-contact, not-relatable-to-contactname".


Campaign Contributor

like the previous responder, we use and send it our via our CC mailing list.  Our situation this year is that we have 1 more office to vote on than the 'free' version allows (bummer).  It would be very beneficial to have everything under one umbrella.  The current offerings in CC are 'almost there' but still lacking in several features. 
Since this thread was started in 2019 I'd hoped that CC would have a solution coded and tested.


Hi everyone,


We're updating the status of this idea to more accurately reflect the status of the idea with our engineering team. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on the idea but should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and are continuing to collect both requests along with use case examples. 

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