Cannot select :05 when scheduling custom code email

0 Votes

When I select the scheduled time and I select the hour it is fine but when I select the minute from the drop down menu, if I select the :05 from the drop down menu, when I click it and close the drop down menu, it doesn't show as for example 12:05, it shows as 12:00. It does however get sent at 12:05 but it is really confusing and I am asking to please take a look at this. Thank you.

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @ThomB thank you for sharing this feedback with us! What you're seeing happen when selecting a time including :05 is an experience we are continuing to troubleshoot. Because of this we have tracked your account and opened up this idea so other users can weigh in as well in the meantime. We will reach back out to this post with any further updates going forward.

Status changed to: Closed - Implemented

This was fixed, but looks like we never updated the status. Correcting that!

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