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Copy format styles between campaign blocks

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Is there any way to enable the redo command in Constant Contact? This would make reformatting content in CC messages so much faster!  If not, this is a plea to the cool cats at Constant Contact to please enable this command!  Please!



Hello @NorthShoreUnitarian,


Thank you for reaching out to the Community! I will definitely submit your feedback on this. You can also select the redo option in the editor if your browser isn't allow the command to work. Thanks! 

Campaign Contributor



Thank you for replying to my message.  I do see the "redo" button in the editor.  However, that's not quite what I'm looking for.  The Redo command in other programs allows one to apply the most recent function to another block of text.  In this, after making one block of text bold (or italics, or yellow, etc.), one can use highlight another block of text and use the redo command to apply the same change.    It's probably better to think of this as a "repeat" command. Does that make sense?


Hi @NorthShoreUnitarian


Thanks for this clarification! Does setting global text styles help fit your needs? In the meantime, while a repeat command is not currently available, this is a great feature request. In fact we have moved your post over into our Feedback boards so other users can weigh in as well. The more requests a Feedback thread receives the higher of a priority it can be given by our Product Team.

Status changed to: Voting Open
Status changed to: Not Currently Planned

At this time, we do not have plans to include a "copy styles" feature in the editor. If we hear anything in the future regarding this feature request, we will update the thread.

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